--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung <no_re...@...> wrote:
> What don't you understand about large numbers and inevitability?

I don't know. I don't know what I don't know about anything.

> "Regardless of the exact fraction of stars with planets, the total number of 
> exoplanets must be very large. Since our own Milky Way Galaxy has at least 
> 100 billion stars, it must also contain hundreds of billions of planets if 
> not trillions of them."

So what? It still doesn't prove that complex life is a given.

> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exoplanets#Number_of_stars_with_planets
> And that's just one galaxy's worth.  Billions of galaxies.  And don't forget 
> moons -- we have two moons in our own solar system that have "life friendly" 
> conditions.  

And you have noticed that they don't display signs of intelligent 

> Yet you would rather believe that humanity is unique despite that 
> potentiality?  Sounds like someone wants to be "special."

I don't "believe" anything, if you'd followed what I was saying
rather than taking umbrage at every imagined slight you'd know
I was just pointing out that it may have been harder than some
people think for life to get beyond the bacterial stage. 

> What's your deal?  Seems to me you're pushing an atheist's agenda in that if 
> one speculates that intelligent life is a one-off, then any proposal that 
> there is a God is immediately attackable just on the sheer wastefulness of 
> God's creativity -- who'd want a God that made such an immensity for only "a 
> nice photograph?"

That's how it seems to you does it?

I wouldn't attack concepts of god for that reason but for 
the fact they appear to be unnecessary. The fact that all god 
memes I've encountered are flatly contradicted by the available
evidence means you'd need a huge gap in explanation versus 
theory to need one at all. God is a human invention that makes 
some feel special, not me. I feel special to be part of this 
huge amazing planet of wonders. All the more so as life seems to
have got here under it's own steam, which is an idea I find 
incredible, much more so than any god I've come across. 

If this is the only planet in our galaxy (or even universe) 
with any intelligent life on it I will feel special indeed but
only for what's happened. If it turns out smart life forms 
are everywhere I'll be even happier.

OTOH what if we are alone and we are trashing the place for 
oil and hamburgers, wiping out the seas and destroying the 
forests, what a waste. If I was in charge I'd make everyone 
live as though they actually cared about the big picture.

OTOOH what if the above is true and there really is a god! 

> Life everywhere is a gimme.

Life is very likely to be everywhere, but intelligent life maybe
not. And if it is: Where is it? Which brings us back to the 


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