--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "PaliGap" <compost...@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Hugo" 
> <fintlewoodlewix@> wrote:
> > Amongst all the staggering coincidences and apparently 
> > rare requirements that common organic molecules have to 
> > go through in order to become complex life forms I forgot to
> > mention that the trigger (for their always is one in leaps 
> > of evolution) for life to go from the happy bacterial state 
> > it was in for 3 billion years into it's post-cambrian 
> > cornucopia is the fact that the Earth was frozen solid for 
> > millions of years thus the only survivors were the bacteria 
> > that mutated into the cell that make up *all* living things 
> > today. 
> > 
> > This isn't creationism, it's hard empirical science and is 
> > easily checkable. 
> I don't get this Hugo.
> Are you saying that "snowball earth" was a pre-requisite for 
> our planet's rich life-status? 

It might very well have been yes. On one side of the freeze
you have just bacteria no the other you have everything we know

And that this is hard science? 
> I did a quick-and-dirty wiki check and got the impression Life 
> arose *despite* the conjectured snowball Earth, not 
> *because* of it.

Can't believe everything you read on the internet I'm afraid.

I'm talking about the change from simple single-celled stuff
before a major cataclysm to a stronger type of cell (that ALL
life now shares) the improvements in cell structure may well
have been forced on us by environmental pressure. Bit too
much of a coincidence otherwise.

> The fact that one event precedes another event does not in 
> itself make it a "trigger" does it?  Or have I misunderstood 
> you?

Probably. In this case you'd have to prove that the freeze
*wasn't* the trigger and come up with some other explanation 
for the arrival of complex life when, for 3 billion years, 
before a sudden massive change in climate there wasn't any.

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