--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu <noozg...@...> wrote:
> Likewise when you have catastrophes like the BP oil spill
> their PR department will be getting paid to go into overdrive
> including posting comments on blogs and forums to try to
> steer the public perception the disaster.

<snort> I gather you haven't been reading any of the
blogs or forums. On every one I read, at least, anybody
who pipes up in support of BP is immediately accused of
being a BP PR flak and roundly cursed. And that includes
the forums whose participants know next to nothing about
the situation other than what they see on TV. Any attempt
to "steer public perception" on BP's part tends to make 
them look worse, not better.

On The Oil Drum blog, most of the participants are oil
industry people. A couple of apparent BP flaks, or at
least apologists, have turned up there, and they've
gotten the same treatment.

  The government
> itself will be trying to keep a lid on things 
> as they "don't want the public to panic."

The Oil Drummies are *knowledgeable* people who recognize
bullshit, positive or negative, about the spill when they
see it; and many of them have inside sources. They aren't
taking BP's or the gummint's word for anything. OTOH, they
have so far dissected and demolished all the scare stories
that have come up.

If there's anything to panic about, they'll know it, no
matter how BP or the government or the doomsday trolls
try to "steer public perception."

So relax. If panic should become appropriate, I'll let you
know. Or come on over to The Oil Drum yourself and see what
the experts there are saying.

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