first hand experience,- its like a police state, police searching everyone on 
the slighted pretext and throwing people to the ground and arresting them for 
looking dirty and poor

--- In, TurquoiseB <no_re...@...> wrote:
> --- In, Bhairitu <noozguru@> wrote:
> >
> > Welcome to the New Whirled Odor. :-D
> > 
> >
> Fascinating. I lived in Toronto for several years,
> and this is SO not how I remember it. I'll have to
> check in to the Bruce Cockburn list to see what
> they (lotsa Canajuns) are saying about this.
> Interestingly, when you alerted me to the Bilderberg
> Club meeting in my tiny town, I started looking 
> around for signs of change. I saw pictures in the
> news of the hundreds of armed guards surrounding 
> the property they were meeting in, and heard quite
> a few more helicopters overhead, but since the hotel
> is behind the gates of a high-roller district out 
> of town, other than that there was no change here. 
> No stronger police presence in town, no traffic 
> diversions, nada. 
> Guess the Bilderberg Club has better security people
> or location choosers than the G20, eh? They managed 
> to keep their bigshots safe and sound in such a low-
> key way that had you not told me they were going to 
> be in town, I might never have noticed.

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