-- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine <salsunsh...@...> wrote:
> And it's all Barry's fault~~every dang last racist
> remark!  Right, Edg?

Absolutely. I run the banana concession outside
the Barcelona football stadium. :-)

Can you imagine how long it took Mr. I've Got A
Bigger Brain Than You Do So There to Google up
something negative about Spain, thinking that 
would reflect badly on moi?  Me, with my pea-sized- 
by-comparison brain, it took me less than thirty 
seconds to Google up the following.

Hate Crimes by Country:

And since we all know how oppressive-to-women Edg
found Spain, Rapes By Country:

Sad to say, a Google search for Idiots By Country
found no charts or statistics, but my bet is on
Spain ranking lower than the United States on such 
charts, if they exist.

As dismayed as I might be at the sight of Spanish
idiots yelling out racist insults at people of color,
at least they've got the oeuvos to do their hating in 
public, and directly. Imagine the nutsacklessness of 
the person who feels they have to do it obliquely. :-)

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