I never said Barry was involved in racism, but I find it interesting that this 
youtube report has triggered such defensiveness.  

My only intent was to publish information that, frankly, I had never suspected 
to be possible.  I was shocked by the lack of any shame for being racist.  

At least in America the racists hide themselves behind labels like "birther," 
or "pro-Arizona immigration schemer."  

No one in any American stadium could possibly get away without a severe 
censoring if they showed such brazen hate-speech.  Not that hypocrisy is a 
better packaging of racism, but at least American racism in public has a 
healthy regard for the opinions of the majority.  If someone threw a banana at 
an African-American sport figure and yelled out "monkey," he might not get out 
of the stands alive.

Just sayin'!


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <no_re...@...> wrote:
> -- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine <salsunshine@> wrote:
> >
> > And it's all Barry's fault~~every dang last racist
> > remark!  Right, Edg?
> Absolutely. I run the banana concession outside
> the Barcelona football stadium. :-)
> Can you imagine how long it took Mr. I've Got A
> Bigger Brain Than You Do So There to Google up
> something negative about Spain, thinking that 
> would reflect badly on moi?  Me, with my pea-sized- 
> by-comparison brain, it took me less than thirty 
> seconds to Google up the following.
> Hate Crimes by Country:
> http://www.nationmaster.com/graph/cri_tot_cri-crime-total-crimes
> And since we all know how oppressive-to-women Edg
> found Spain, Rapes By Country:
> http://www.nationmaster.com/graph/cri_rap_percap-crime-rapes-per-capita
> Sad to say, a Google search for Idiots By Country
> found no charts or statistics, but my bet is on
> Spain ranking lower than the United States on such 
> charts, if they exist.
> As dismayed as I might be at the sight of Spanish
> idiots yelling out racist insults at people of color,
> at least they've got the oeuvos to do their hating in 
> public, and directly. Imagine the nutsacklessness of 
> the person who feels they have to do it obliquely. :-)

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