--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <no_re...@...> wrote:
> Can you imagine how long it took Mr. I've Got A
> Bigger Brain Than You Do So There to Google up
> something negative about Spain, thinking that 
> would reflect badly on moi?  Me, with my pea-sized- 
> by-comparison brain, it took me less than thirty 
> seconds to Google up the following.

Probably should have taken at least a few seconds

> Hate Crimes by Country:
> http://www.nationmaster.com/graph/cri_tot_cri-crime-total-crimes

...because there are no figures for hate crimes at
this site. What Barry's linked to is total crimes,
the totals for each country.

> And since we all know how oppressive-to-women Edg
> found Spain, Rapes By Country:
> http://www.nationmaster.com/graph/cri_rap_percap-crime-rapes-per-capita

And here, oddly, he's linked to rapes *per capita*
rather than total rapes.

Understandably, in his eagerness to get back at Edg,
he wanted to link to lists showing the U.S. at the
top, which is easy if you link to the totals rather
than the per capita numbers--albeit, of course,
misleading given the size of the U.S. population.

But then why didn't he link to total rapes rather
than per capita rapes? He missed a bet there, since
the U.S. rates first in total rapes but only ninth
in rapes per capita (below Canada, surprisingly).

In total crimes per capita, the U.S. rates eighth,
below the U.K.

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