So, tartbrain, what did you accomplish with your
"kinder, gentler" rebuttal of Sal's contention
that Gurr wasn't referring to the Maharishi
Effect, and that Brian and some TM Web sites 
had deliberately misrepresented what he said?

Your posturing has enabled her to obfuscate
(just as I had predicted she would) and pretend
that, gosh, all she'd ever objected to was
their changing "coherence-creating groups" to
"Maharishi Effect" (even though the two terms
are obviously synonymous in context).

So she gets to avoid taking any responsibility
for her original incredibly dumb error and for
falsely (and very nastily) accusing Brian and the
Web sites of deception on the basis of that error.

She's sent that straight down the memory hole (as
she's done before on other similar occasions).

What will the result be?

She'll just do it again. When you treat a person
with no ethics as if they had integrity, what
they learn is that there are no consequences for
allowing their own biases to twist factual
reality into a pretzel and to viciously slander
those who stand up for the facts.

Enabling unethical behavior, like enabling
alcoholism, just perpetuates it.

Fine work, dude. You sure showed us the great
advantages of your approach. I mean, it isn't as
though lack of integrity causes any problems in
the world or anything, so let's just sweep it 
under the rug.

--- In, Sal Sunshine <salsunsh...@...> wrote:
> On Jul 25, 2010, at 9:29 AM, tartbrain wrote:
> > However, the only sites that came up upon a
> > search of "coherence-creating groups on
> > conflict" and "coherence-creating groups"
> > was ME and Invincibility studies on TM group
> > programs.
> > 
> > Are you aware of other coherence-creating
> > groups on conflict that Gurr may have been
> > referring to?
> No.  However, that still doesn't justify
> doctoring the quote.

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