--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "whynotnow7" <whynotnow7@...> wrote:
> "...nobody has flown and nobody will fly. It's utter bullshit of course."
> Some of us got nothing from the TM Sidhis program :-( I had some remarkable 
> experiences during the 12 years I did it :-)
> I recall when I first learned the flying sutra, I was bouncing so high I was 
> able to stand on my feet at the peak of some arcs. Another time, after I had 
> been doing the sidhis for about ten years, I was at the local TM Center. I 
> lifted off and flew about 4 or 5 feet out at a height of about 2.5 feet. I 
> could have kept going, but a counter was in the way so I had to put my hand 
> out and stop my momentum. I also always found it amazing that doing the 
> flying technique even with my eyes closed I could instantly sense hard 
> objects nearby if I had to.
> Although I enjoyed the flying sutra, I had my most consistent experiences 
> with the seeing into the body sutra, which has broadened in time to the 
> ability to see energy signatures anywhere. Basically refined sense of sight. 
> Good stuff.
> Doesn't automagically lead to "enlightenment" but experientially crushed 
> enough boundaries to be very, very useful.
> That's 50 for me. 'Til next week. 

Very nice, thanks for sharing. Many have experienced the opening of many 
faculties due to the upward move of kundalini during flying which gives rise to 
an enormous purification. I'm sure my seing, and particularily hearing, of 
subtler levels arose from the flying-sutra.

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