--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "sparaig" <LEnglish5@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Joe" <geezerfreak@> wrote:
> >
> > I was around when the first sutra/"flying" attempts 
> > were made. We were all sitting in chairs in a circle...
> > there was no sitting on foam mats at that time. (This 
> > was in one of the hotels around Lake Lucern....I forget 
> > which now.) This would have been probably late 1975.
> [...]
> > Tellingly, about 1/4 of the group thought it was 
> > hilarious. The rest were horrified and made it clear 
> > that this enlightenment business was NO laughing matter. 
> > I think that was probably the moment that the first real 
> > crack in my belief system started.
> > 
> > When you get busted for eating ice cream (another story) 
> > and laughing....well, it's time to exit. It took a few 
> > more years but I finally did.
> Well, for most of the rest in the room, you were poking 
> fun at a terribly important moment in their lives which 
> almost certainly was going to cause ill-feeling and you 
> must have realized this at some level, right?
> And you're still trying to pretend what you did was 
> "just a joke" 35 years later. 

Gawd. The humorlessness of TMers blows my mind.
Not to mention the tendency to see nefarious
intent in pretty much everything. 

It was just a joke. Then and now. Sane people
are laughing. If you're not, that says something
about YOU, not the jokester.

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