--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "yifuxero" <yifuxero@...> wrote:
> right, Judy, thx for clarifying that.
> True that nature may "want" something else, in spite of
> our choices.
> Thus, there is no evading who/what made the choice, as
> long as the conventional individual is embodied.

And that conventional individual "owns" the outcome
of the choices, even if s/he has the experiential
realization that the gunas made them (i.e., is

> The unmanifest Self is always "choiceless"; but the 
> conventional body/mind makes choices, often with an 
> expectation of results.

And theoretically, those expectations are *also* a
function of the interaction of the gunas.

As I understand it, the gunas are just as responsible
for what goes on in the brain (including my understanding
of what the gunas are responsible for!) as they are for
the external results of brain activity.

(If one's intellectual understanding of Advaita doesn't
end up in a catch-22, it's inauthentic.)

> Judy, thanks for not being a Neo-A.

I'd call it *Faux*-Advaita, actually!

> http://www.fantasygallery.net/ravenscroft/art_6_a-touch-of-frost.html

I like that. Thanks.

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