> > > Sorry to hear your favorite hero in history is
> > > being maligned by the Wisconsin governor...
> > >
> > So, this is how you tone down the rhetoric?
> >
> Why tone down the rhetoric...
Because Rick Archer said it was a bad thing to be 
so hateful on a spiritual forum? 

> Funny thing I was reading some of your posts this 
> week and YOU were defending pensions. Apparently 
> you would be VERY UNHAPPY if you were living in 
> Wisconsin and Walker wanted to take away YOUR 
> pension.
Nobody is saying that pensions are going to be 
taken away from public unions - where did you read 

All public workers, both state and federal, get 
pensions. And the Wisconsin unions have already 
agreed to reduced benefits and pay. 

The problem is, when public servants like teachers,
police and nurses and doctors go on 'strike' and 
refuse to work until their demands are met. 

That's just outrageous!

The public workers that called in sick up in 
Wisconsin are breaking the law and fraudulently 
collecting a paycheck - that's just wrong. 

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