On 02/24/2011 02:03 PM, WillyTex wrote:
>>>> Sorry to hear your favorite hero in history is
>>>> being maligned by the Wisconsin governor...
>>> So, this is how you tone down the rhetoric?
> Bhairitu:
>> Why tone down the rhetoric...
> Because Rick Archer said it was a bad thing to be
> so hateful on a spiritual forum?
>> Funny thing I was reading some of your posts this
>> week and YOU were defending pensions. Apparently
>> you would be VERY UNHAPPY if you were living in
>> Wisconsin and Walker wanted to take away YOUR
>> pension.
> Nobody is saying that pensions are going to be
> taken away from public unions - where did you read
> that?
> All public workers, both state and federal, get
> pensions. And the Wisconsin unions have already
> agreed to reduced benefits and pay.
> The problem is, when public servants like teachers,
> police and nurses and doctors go on 'strike' and
> refuse to work until their demands are met.
> That's just outrageous!
> The public workers that called in sick up in
> Wisconsin are breaking the law and fraudulently
> collecting a paycheck - that's just wrong.

You're such a hard liner.  You would be quite the guy in China.  How are 
those Mandarin lessons coming?

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