> > "All truth is relative" is an absolutist statement. WTF?
> >
> This is Little Willy for godsakes.
Can you cite any evidence that 'Little Willy' exists
absolutely? WTF?

Talk about a mixed-up! Vaj and Bill don't even make any
sense anymore. Vaj must be REALLY upset about my
Andrew Weil comment. Vaj is such a petty informant
sometimes. Go figure.

Andrew Weil M.D. is a TMer

> He says totally off the wall shit all the time.
Very impressive, Vaj!

Obviously you studied Nagarjuna's 'Madhyamika-karika'
in very great detail. LoL!

"The significance of the non-difference between Nirvana
and Samsara is this: Nirvana is here and now.  It is all
around us and in us (actually, we are in it, being of the
whole), as is the Buddha-nature and Buddhahood.  We
need only to be awakened to it..."

Read more:

'Nagarjuna's Negative Dialectic And the Significance of Emptiness'

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