On Mar 13, 2011, at 11:56 AM, seventhray1 wrote:

> Just curious.  Do you find all "channeled" "knowledge" as bunk?  Just asking. 
>  I don't have an ulterior motive.  I have on occassion gotten value from this 
> venue (reading books) in the past, but haven't gone that route (or any route 
> for that matter) in some time.  But I have found some of it insightful.

It really depends on the person. 

For a good description of what I'd consider a good channel, read the chapter 
from In Exile From the Land of Snows on the Tibetan govt. in exile's oracle, 
the Drepung Oracle. Unless they're at this level of refinement, and very, very 
few are, I generally would not waste my time. When it's actually a siddhi based 
on love, the oracle shows some truly miraculous signs that cannot be faked. 
Same with adepts like Yogi Karve. These are truly amazing people, beyond limits.

I realize that people writing from the level of discursive thoughts can say 
very helpful, insightful, wise and worthwhile things. That's what a good 
fiction author does. So it's no surprise that just about anyone can do it in a 
light trance or mental tuning of thought-projections.

But really for it to be unbiased, it has to come from beyond the mental, 
trans-mental if you will. Most channels I've found from my study of Ayurveda, 
to have vata derangements and often suffered or died from vata diseases. Not a 
very balanced practice to be involved in, other than as a transitory thing.

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