On 04/27/2011 11:57 AM, turquoiseb wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu<noozguru@...>  wrote:
>>> On Behalf Of Vaj
>>> http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/04/27/obama-birth-certificate-r_n_854248.html
>>> They should have waited till a month or two before the election.
>>> Who wants to guess what the replacing conspiracy theory will be?
>>> The big hair guy is already starting to question Obama's
>>> academic records.
>> The big hair guys thinks he's the reason that the full birth
>> certificate was released.
> Absolutely. His spiritual name should be Narcissananda. :-)
>> More likely it was to RF Jerome Corsi who has a new book
>> coming out the birther issue.
> Now THAT's funny. If true, can't you just imagine the
> panic at his publishing house right about now? It would
> be like the panic my bud Clifford Irving's publishing
> house must have experienced when Howard Hughes blew the
> whistle on his fraudulent autobiography of him.
> I must admit to looking forward to the "birther rebuttals"
> with some anticipation. It'll be like being a fly on the
> wall at a KKK meeting.

I Corsi's book is due to release on the 17th of May.  Trump was making a 
fool of himself with the birther arguments and every day he was digging 
himself deeper.

The country is beginning to look like Nazi Germany.  Look at the video 
of progressive talk show host Nicole Sandler being arrested last night:


Allen West must be regretting he around in Germany in the 1930s.  Maybe 
he was.  Nicole was also maced at the jail.  The pig who arrested her 
had no business doing so.  Sometime I think Florida needs to be broken 
off and shipped along with Texas to Antarctica.

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