Interesting that what Willytex quotes isn't from either
of the Web pages he gives URLs for.

The second one, in fact, is from National Review Online,
a right-wing publication; it's a post that *debunks* the
notion that the certificate is a forgery.

--- In, "WillyTex" <willytex@...> wrote:
> Vaj:
> > Who wants to guess what the replacing conspiracy
> > theory will be?
> >
> That this document has been cropped and altered by
> an idiot who thought he knew how to scan a 
> birth certificate using Adobe Acrobat?
> At the least this was a scanned document produced 
> by a moron who thought he knew PhotoShop.
> You've GOT To Be Kidding Me!
> "I've scanned a lot of images. What you scan is 
> what you see. What I haven't seen when I've scanned 
> something is where they show letters cut off such 
> as what looks like a "5" on the left hand side 
> where it bends down. 
> Also, the dashed green lines on the background go 
> straight across, and the black lines of the form 
> curve down. It they scanned the black lines only, 
> then why transpose onto green lined paper, why not 
> just show the scanned document on whatever was the 
> original paper as I always do when I scan a document. 
> This doesn't pass the smell test. 
> Either this is a forgery on green paper, or they 
> are hiding something on that left side that was 
> cropped off. Why can't we just get a scanned copy 
> of the original birth certificate, showing every 
> notation on margins, every smudge, everything? 
> Frankly, until today I was thinking this birther 
> thing was much ado about nothing, but after seeing 
> this document I now have many suspicions about 
> Obama's birth..."

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