--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Mike Dixon <mdixon.6569@...> wrote:
> It's the economy, stupid!

And even though he was a near-psychotic religious
fanatic madman, it's worth remembering that the
person who made the US economy what it is today
was just killed.

His methods may have been despicable, but his plan
worked like gangbusters. America overreacted, gave
in to their fear and hatred, and went fuckin' crazy.
They blew all the good will they had in the world
on vengeance, blew most of their money on two sad
wars, pissed away their rights at home, and basic-
ally pissed away their whole country. 

If a sane man had been President when 9/11 happened,
none of this would have happened. The sane President
would have seen 9/11 as the trap it was and found
some way to appease the "Gotta strike back" mentality
of Americans without losing the respect of the rest
of the world, and allowing the country to spend its
way into the poorhouse. 

The sad thing is that terrorism works. It worked when
that word was first coined to describe the Irgun and
the Haganah in Palestine, when they were blowing up
buildings to create Israel, it worked in North Africa
and Vietnam when they wanted free of the French, and
sadly it still works. Fear is a powerful motivator,
one that seems to physiologically cut off the flow
of blood to the brain, and renders the fearful people 
stupid. Osama Bin Laden understood that. Yes, he was 
a madman, but he knew America far better than it 
knows itself.

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