Maybe I shouldn't be laughing? Are you on meds for something? If so, I 

From: Bhairitu <>
Sent: Mon, May 2, 2011 1:19:07 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Fake photo of Osama's death

Or make FFLers look like pondscum just going with the flow and believing 
the propaganda just like everyone else (including local TV station news 
directors who always swallow the BS). You remember the story of the 
emperor's new clothes? Did you know there was a sequel? The little boy 
who points out the emperor has no clothes was labeled a "conspiracy 

On 05/02/2011 12:57 PM, Mike Dixon wrote:
> LOL! Oh Judy, you nailed that perfectly, high fives! What would FFL be without
> Bhairitu?
> ________________________________
> From: authfriend<>
> To:
> Sent: Mon, May 2, 2011 12:21:21 PM
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Fake photo of Osama's death
> --- In, Bhairitu<noozguru@...> wrote:
> <snip>
>> And Mr. NLP, did you happen to see the CNN coverage? I flipped
>> between channels, left CNN on while I went back to working on my
>> latest animation masterpiece mocking Republicans in a take-off
>> on the "Night of the Living Dead" trailer. It was like they
>> were trying to program the minds of the public or had some kind
>> of subject stuttering disorder. They would say a phrase and then
>> repeat it which to me sounded very weird as if they wanted the
>> public to think a certain way. It wasn't an accident as they
>> did it consistently. That's why I seldom watch these jerks.
> That's the way Wolf Blitzer talks *normally*. And when
> there's something big unfolding, all reporters and
> anchors and guests tend to stutter and repeat themselves,
> especially if they're having to ad lib while they're
> waiting for some announcement.
> But isn't it amazing how *all* the TV stations and *all* the
> newspapers and *all* the online news sites are saying the
> same things? The government has them all completely under its
> control, every last one.
> <belly laugh>
> Bhairitu, sometimes you make the birthers look good.

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