On 05/03/2011 07:21 AM, WillyTex wrote:
> Bhairitu:
>> What I'm seeing on FFL is the same stupid group
>> think behavior I saw in my local community the
>> weekend after 9-11. Ya all got your 'merican
>> flags and wavin' them? I remember they were
>> selling American flags right outside the Safeway
>> and teenage boys struttin' around like macho
>> men (the Army wasn't too excited about that)...
> So, you're thinking that 9/11 was an inside job,
> and Obama was born in Kenya, and that Osama bin
> Laden is still alive, but we are in the FFL
> 'stupid group' because we accept evidence from
> President Obama and Secretary Clinton that bin
> Laden is dead?
> Go figure.

Your "figuring" is wrong. I never said Obama was born in Kenya.  Always 
said it was a non-issue and even pointed out that even a conservative 
member of the Reagan administration, Paul Craig Roberts, thought it was 
a non-issue.  To accept "out of the starting gate" evidence is a sign of 
non-critical thinking. And no I don't except the  official 9-11 story 
which is also a "conspiracy theory."  Time will tell (if at all 
possible) what the real story is from this weekend's event.

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