--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "raunchydog" <raunchydog@...> wrote:
> Undoubtedly, the fire at the compound was from the downed 
> helicopter. I've seen no report that the building had any
> fire damage.   If you look closely at the fire video, for
> a split second, you can see two men walking out of the
> building. They don't look like they're dressed as Navy
> Seals. I don't know what that means other than you'd think
> the Seals would have been in complete control of all the
> occupants in the compound.

This video was most likely shot after they'd left. The
last thing they did was blow up the helicopter. Those two
people could have been Pakistani civilians. Also, they
left behind the women and children for the Pakistanis to
deal with; the two men could have been part of a group
that went into the compound to take them out and get the
injured ones medical attention.

Plus which, it still isn't clear to me that the video was
shot from inside the compound. If you're worried about how
the two men got in, what about the cameraperson shooting
the video? In any case, there are now photos showing that
the helicopter came down right on top of a wall and broke
apart, with the tail inside and the rest outside the
compound, so the fire was probably outside the wall.

> A couple of things convinced me Navy Seals attacked Osama
> Bin Laden's compound.
> First, Sohaib Athar's Twitter of events taking place in real
> time at the compound.
> http://tinyurl.com/3lm8e3j <http://tinyurl.com/3lm8e3j>
> http://www.deseretnews.com/article/700132011/Timeline-of-coverage-in-Osama-bin-Ladens-death.html
> Second, the intensity of the look on the faces of Obama's
> national security team as they watched Navy Seals attack
> the compound. I wonder how much of the carnage they actually 
> witnessed.

The NYTimes story this morning says they were watching
Panetta, who was at a different location. Apparently he
was able to watch what was going on to some degree, or
was getting updates via phone from the attack team, and
was relaying what was happening to the folks in the
Situation Room.


> The White House is debating whether to release photos of
> Osama. I hope they do. I want proof positive even if his
> brains are falling out of his head.

Well, a photo these days may not be proof positive of
anything. The gummint must surely have access to experts
who could produce a better fake photo than the one that
was circulating earlier.

Anyway, the government is saying they're afraid if they
do release photos, they'll be used for recruitment
purposes by the terrorists. I think they may be waiting
to see if one of the Al Qaeda leaders confirms that bin
Laden is dead, in which case they wouldn't need to put
the photos out.

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