> Remember the Tea Party guy who famously yelled at his
> congressman, "Keep your government hands off my Medicare"?
> That's Barry: "Keep your determinist hands off my free will!"
> Xeno, excellent job of laying things out. I don't think
> it'll do any more good than explaining to the Tea Partier
> that Medicare has always been in the hands of the
> government, but it was worth a shot. Very well done.
> That's 50 and out for me.
Well, actually people pay for their Medicare out of their 
payroll deductions over the course of their career, but their 
point is that they are opposed to Obama cutting 500 billion 
from Medicare and want Obama to keep his hands off.

But, Barry thinks his free will can enable him to make
better decisions - yet he doesn't seem to realize that almost
everything he knows about the will, he read in books or he
was told it. 

Nobody just instantly thinks they have free will - it takes 
a lifetime of intellectual persuasion for anyone to deny 
the obvious truth of causation, which we ALL experience every 
single day. 

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