I agree Bozotronic Barry has pain issues, though he too is quite confused - He 
trumpets that he doesn't pay attention to me, thinks I am building a cult of 
personality here on FFL (is that weird, or what?), and then spends more words 
describing who he thinks I am than anyone else on here. That's messed up. Dude 
needs to get laid, drunk, stoned or whatever gets him off his frantic hobby 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Ravi Yogi" <raviyogi@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb <no_reply@> wrote:
> >
> >
> > While Mr. Self Realized is at it, I'd like him to
> > produce quotes of mine that he considers "cheap
> > shots" at Maharishi.
> >
> I don't call it cheap shots - I call it "intellectual deception", the 3
> Decepteers of FFL, Curtis indulgence in intellectual deception is more
> of the kitty with the fur-ball variety, ignorance, muddled thinking .
> You Barry do it out of your pain, your game of bully and victim, whereas
> Vaj's indulgence is pure malice.
> >
> > More important -- and this is I think the thing that
> > pushes Jimbo's attachment/aversion buttons -- is that
> > your occasional shots at Maharishi are based on total
> > equality and a "Prove it" attitude, the very thing he
> > fears the most.
> >
> Total equality and "prove it" is again Classic intellectual deception
> and going Gandhi, MLK over all of us, of the tartbrain variety.
> Equality, justice, peace cannot be found or achieved outside of us. No
> one can prove anything, in fact prove it is an oxymoron,
> self-realization is not about proving anything, doing anything,
> achieving anything.
> > > To date, like MMY, Jim has NOT demonstrated anything to
> > back up his claims that he (and other claimants to the
> > throne of enlightenmentitudeness) is "special." He seems
> > to me to be the most ordinary of human beings, someone
> > who at one point in his life grew tired of being a nobody
> > and figured out that if he just made a bunch of claims to
> > gullible people, a certain percentage of them would treat
> > him as "special," just because he claimed to be. Same with
> > Ravi. He, too was an absolute nobody until he suckered
> > Rick in with some parroted spiritual bullshit and a similar
> > claim to be self realized.
> >
> Again enlightenment is nothing about feeling special or demonstrating
> anything, though some of them do which is entirely optional.
> You are at least partially right about me - I totally suckered Rick into
> an interview, my story ended long time back. I'm just a liar making up
> stories since I have no more stories left to project. I make up new
> stories to engage in playful fun to make fun of pimps(egoistics) like
> you totally fascinated with their whores(intellects) and can't seem to
> entertain the possibility of a life outside the 'hood(small self).
> Parroted shit? Absolutely incorrect - I don't know of anyone who's
> indulged in my favorite metaphors. Its not parroted - it's called old
> wine in new bottle - the truth is always the same, the packaging new. If
> you want parroted shit read your favorite friend Vaj, the one trick
> parrot who constantly chokes on parroted vomit, his discourses on
> Vakragita are pretty hilarious.

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