Oh so sorry but you're been given the con's own definition.

There is no "transcending" defined in Buddhist meditation - which is the
source lineage for Alan Wallace's concentration training. The Sanskrit
word used by Buddhism is shamataa, from Sanskrit "shama" or "calm" plus
the Sanskrit word ending "taa" or "-ness". Thus the word is translated
as "calmness".

Buddhist shamataa is cognate with Patanjali's "dharana" (holding) in the
first part of the training. By gradually letting go of sensory-based
perception (whether directly seen, heard or remembered) the focal point
of shamataa shifts the practitioner's attention to a purely noetic
object that is beyond any form of sensory object. When this transition
becomes stable then attention is drawn, almost forcibly, into the noetic
quality that is actually present as the "object". This is
evaluated as a transition to a "rupa" (pure form) level of
subtle cognition and the value of Shamataa is considered to now to be
dhyana or meditation proper instead of concentration.

At no time do the Buddhists call it "transcending", which is a
term that is only used in context to translate the word

Just understand that Vaj is a Concern Troll who wants to make it appear
that these meditators "transcend" for hours but is really
applying Buddhist triumphalist jargon as a ruse.

The intolerable truth is that Vaj loves us so much he just can't
endure seeing us going astray. Please show him how much you care by
giving up TM and its deceits. He'll show you the way out into the
bliss and light … then you'll be just like him.

Doesn't that sound like "nirvaa-nna"?


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "sparaig" <LEnglish5@...> wrote:

> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradhatu@ wrote:
> >
> [...]
> > It's actually nothing like TM. Within a couple of weeks Shamatha
> > meditators were transcending for many hours at a time.
> >
> And the paper that published the research on the unique physiological
signature of Shamatha=based trasncending is found where?
> Lawson

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