> > Besides, "shamantha" is just another variant on 
> > TM, similar to Tibetan Dzogchen...
> >
> It's actually nothing like TM. Within a couple of 
> weeks Shamatha meditators were transcending for many 
> hours at a time.
It's just like 'TM': sitting meditation with a mental 
object with transcending at an early stages of practice.

The study involved thirty participants for three months
at the Shambahala Mountain Center in Colorado, which is 
affiliated with Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche. I spent two
years pracing at their center in Boulder, 1971-1973.

Trungpa is the founder of Shambhala. He was the 11th 
descendent in the line of Trungpa tulkus, important 
teachers of the Kagyu lineage, one of the four main 
schools of Tibetan Buddhism. 

This sect is renowned for its strong emphasis on basic
meditation practice using the Tibetan meditation objects, 
such as bijas, images, etc.

Shambhala Mountain Center:


"We thank Dr. Allen Kanner for psychological prescreening
of participants, Dr. Shiri Lavy for group stratification, 
Eileen Bartosch of the Red Feather Lakes Medical Center
for collecting blood samples, the Shambhala Mountain Center 
for program support..."

Intensive meditation training, immune cell telomerase 
activity, and psychological mediators:

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