--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Mark Landau <m@...> wrote:
> Thank you, w.  The best time to have written it would have been in the late 
> seventies or early eighties.  It's so long, now, much of it is lost.  But I 
> hear you and one never knows.
> On Jul 23, 2011, at 2:05 PM, wayback71 wrote:
> > Mark, if you reconsider and decide to write that book (maybe a few of you 
> > should get together, brainstorm your memories and get the thing written) 
> > that would be of interest to many of of us. - I think it would sell and not 
> > just to TM'ers. If you don't do the book, I for one would be delighted to 
> > read more of these memories and stories. You have a wonderfully thoughtful 
> > way of writing about them, including the ambiguity.
> > 
> > If you care to answer any or all - 
> > 
> > Were you there when the spaceship supposedly landed in Mallorca and MMY was 
> > driven to the beach and got on for a while? If so, what hapened? I was on 
> > TCC there then (Fall 1971 and early winter of 1972 til the move to Fiuggi) 
> > but not up that late at night.
> > 
> No, I heard about that but was, like you, a TTC participant then.  Is there 
> anyone one else here who was in the Karina?  If so, I have a question I'd 
> love to ask you.
> > You say you saw angels, devas. Did you ever see anything on a subtle level 
> > that indicated that MMY was not on his best behavior or had an entirely 
> > human side as well? (ie did his energy change or darken)
> > 
> Absolutely.  And not only on the subtle.  I've already answered this 
> obliquely regarding his sexual frustration, but it also occurred with his sex 
> and other things.  He definitely waxed and waned.  There were times, one the 
> most shocking of all, when I was really shaken by how he looked--shrunken, 
> wasted, dark and with basically no energy.  He had a large darker splotch on 
> his cheek that he always covered with makeup and had even neglected to do 
> that.  But he always recovered very quickly.
> > How did Maharishi chose you as skin boy?
> > 
> Oh, this...  After the 108 group was formed, M decided to have the skin boys 
> be 108s.  As I said, Anthony Jobbe was skin boy before me and M really liked 
> him but he was left behind in America when we left to start using Seelisberg 
> because he was misrepresenting himself regarding his financial situation.  
> John Mortenson, me and M flew to Switzerland.  John had priority over me 
> because I had taken a few months to teach TM, because I felt I wanted that 
> experience, after the 108 course at Lake Tahoe.  It's also possible John did 
> some of that while I was teaching TM.  But when I reconnected with M, Anthony 
> was doing it by himself.  So he started carrying the skin.  But after a very 
> short time, maybe a week or two, Maharishi said, "You be on the buzzer," to 
> me.  The buzzer went from his bedroom to the room nearby where the skin boy 
> slept.  So I replied, "But, M, if I am to do that I have to sleep in the room 
> John is in."  "Yes," he said, "sleep in that room."  So I had to go and tell 
> John, John checked back with M to make sure and left for Hawaii the next day. 
>  So I started knowing absolutely nothing.  The first morning on the job, M 
> buzzed me and said "I need a dhoti."  I had not even gone through his things 
> and, in my flustered haste, brought a sheet to his room, put it down for him 
> and left.  Two minutes later, he buzzed and said, "No, I need a DHOTI."  This 
> time I was more careful and brought him what he wanted.
> > Was there any talk among the inner circle staff about doubts and concerns 
> > (especially when people got burned out and decided to leave), suspicions 
> > about meetings with Judith? Or were you all so heavily drugged by the bliss?
> > 
> No, but it wasn't because we were heavily drugged by bliss.  In my case, it 
> was because it was an internal process that I kept to myself.  And no one 
> ever approached me to talk about it.
> > What was the single most powerful experience you had in your time around 
> > MMY?
> > 
> I really can't give you one.  There were two categories, when I was rounding 
> my brains out, all kinds of things happened.  And when M cranked out the 
> darshan to his most extraordinary levels.
> > Were you around to see the introduction of the siddhis? If so, how did that 
> > come about from your perspective?
> > 
> No, I came back from trying to do stuff at the UN to participate in the 
> second six month course.
> > Do you still do TM? 
> > 
> No.  I sit and be with whatever arises.  Usually, after a while, it all 
> subsides and I am in some form of samadhi.  Usually, the time being with 
> what's arising exceeds the time in samadhi.
> > Was it worth it, the growth and bliss versus the lengthy process of 
> > disillusionment of your dreams? 
> > 
> Absolutely.  I wouldn't have missed it for the world, unless, of course, I 
> could have been with Guru Dev or a "truer" master.

Thank you.

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