On 07/26/2011 12:47 PM, turquoiseb wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu<noozguru@...>  wrote:
>> My question to you would be why do you expect people to
>> have the time to read it?
> My question to you would be, "What part of 'I write
> for FUN' did you not understand?" I *don't* expect
> people to read it, especially those with as short
> an attention span as you have admitted to having.
> I write for the sheer FUN of it.
> I also write like this -- cafe rants -- when I'm
> working on a longer project and either need some-
> thing to "prime the pump" and get the writing flow
> started, or as a break between spurts of more
> serious writing.
> What you think of what I write, or even whether you
> read it at all, does not affect me in any way. I
> write because I write. It's what I do. Might I
> suggest you focus more on doing what you do?

Maybe I'm interested in what you have to say?  But I may not want to 
spend the time to read all of it.  Fine if you are just doing it for 
fun.  I thought you were doing it for practice so someday you could be a 
21st century Mark Twain. ;-)

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