From: turquoiseb <no_re...@yahoogroups.com>
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Saturday, August 20, 2011 1:50:28 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Managing an attractive young woman with large 

Bob, while I understand the predilection that might
make this situation such a quandary for you, I can
offer no techniques that can help you. The reason is
that I'm just not overshadowed by big breasts. Unless
they are so large that they're casting an actual shadow
on me, that is. 
Nor do I unless the owner is young, attractive
and in distress. With my taste running from
a young Audrey Hepburn (i also see dead people) to
Selma Hayek I think, as with most men, its the distress
that makes my perceptual uncertainty less manageable.

I'm just SO not a "breast man." The biggest I can handle
aesthetically are on Deborah Ann Woll, who plays the
delightful Jessica on "True Blood," and that's because
they just go so well with the rest of her. Everything
is in pretty much perfect proportion. So unlike the
Jason character in the series, who, when asked while
having a panic attack to focus on something comforting,
gazed at her chest, I would not immediately focus on 
Jessica's -- or any woman's -- breasts.
I’ve never watched “True Blood”, but now
plan to change that. I’m pleased your endorphins 
ramp with many of the other forms of feminine beauty.
That said---you’ll know this from your study of the advertising
industry---large breasts in an attractive young women and
excessive disposable income---in this culture, are not dissimilar in their 
on perceptual uncertainty techniques (PUTS). 

However, I have had some experience trying to maintain
professionalism while addressing women whose beauty 
(or lack thereof) might be a distraction, so I pass 
along some wisdom from the Holy Tradition. Ask yourself,
"What would Shankara do?" and view the women as bags of 
feces and urine. That's taking the holy "high road." 
Besides, what woman wouldn't be complimented by being 
considered a bag of shit?
Thank you, if this isn’t a PUT I’m not
sure what is. Another technique I employ
is imagining that I’m re-reading and re-reading and
re-reading and re-reading and re-reading
and re-reading and re-reading and re-readiing
the old FFL threats of posters I dislike.

Just as an aside, Bob, what editor do you use when com-
posing your posts? I ask because below I have had to
go through and remove all the instances of  mysterious
left all over the place, and the ’ symbols used instead
of single quotes. And that still leaves lots of others.
This leads me to believe that you might be writing in
Microsoft Word or some other editor with its defaults
still left on. I'd consider treating those "autoconvert"
options as funbags of shit if I were you. :-)
Turq, thank you for this. Other than the wife
there is nothing that returns me to a state 
of humility as promptly as IT issues. Any help anyone
can extend me in this regard is more than
appreciated. I’m not sure whats causing it.
I use web based yahoo mail (newest version)
my Mac OS X is v. 10.6.7 and I use Safari.
I will use my personal higher power (google)
and the words you shared to describe the issue 
too try and figure out the problem. Since I’m not a pro
like youself I sometimes save a post to draft---when
the elbows are acting up---rather than finish it
in one sitting. I stopped buying anything MSFT
(including deep out of the money calls) when the
Shrub Justice department refused to break them up.
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bob Price <bobpriced@...> wrote:
> You can thank Curtis for this post.
> I'm still interested in techniques that can be employed to better manage 
> the uncertainties of perception. The following describes; a situation that 
> recently put me in great perceptual uncertainty---some of the techniques I 
> might have employed to manage the uncertainty, and a request for other 
> posters 
> to share any technique suggestions they might want to post. 
> The wife owns her own company and summons me to her 
> office from time to time to consult for her on various commercial activities. 
> Although I know she does this because of my vast experience and overall 
> brilliance,
> she claims it's to get me away from FFL posting which appears to be causing 
> me tennis elbow (in both arms).
> My latest engagement was related to human resource considerations for a new 
> hire 
> and an existing staff member. Specifically, one staff member I was asked to 
> help is 
> an attractive young woman with noticeably large breasts. For background, this 
> woman graduated 
> with honours from Stanford and about 70% of the time she exceeds her managers 
> expectations 
> when executing tasks she has been delegated.  Unfortunately, for the other 
> 30% of her time she 
> reverts to a Marilyn persona to distract colleagues from noticing her 
> significant screw ups. Some 
> may know the persona I'm describing---voice becomes childlike and body 
> language screams 
> €œsave me€�. Not to digress, but I've often wondered why great Moms teach 
> their daughters to avoid 
> €œwolves€� but say nothing to their sons about catching the next plane out of 
> town when you run into 
> a damsel in distress. I can't imagine what I could have saved being on time 
> for that plane. 
> In the case of the attractive young woman with large breasts---when I sat 
> down across from her in 
> her cubicle---I believe this in not uncommon with guys in this situation, I 
> employed an uncertainty management
> technique by pretending I wasn't imagining her naked while she pretended that 
> my thinking was as professional as my behaviour. 
>  I would describe my performance as not unlike being on an  MDA drip and 
> pretending its not making me that happy. The end 
> result was not only the normal unreliability of perception, but a mutual non 
> verbal agreement to lie about what was obviously 
> occurring at the time. The results are not only a type of €˜not taking the 
> reality of my perceptions too seriously---what I believe is 
> the essence of uncertainty in perceptions, but also the two of us performing 
> what Brando described to 
> Larry King as: €œeveryone is an actor its just that some of us get paid 
> better than others for doing it.€�
> With a desire to be more effective, I've considered various techniques that 
> might help this type of
> uncertain perception become more manageable: 
> 1. Looking at my shoes during the meeting.
> 2. Looking at her shoes during the meeting (the problem with this option was 
> that it triggered thoughts of her naked with only her shoes on).
> 3. Asking her to look at my shoes during the meeting. (God know the legal 
> consequences of this option)
> 4. Putting her at ease by talking about Heisenberg's €œuncertainty" 
> principal. (I believe she has a science degree)
> 5. Employ Herr Edelstein's technique of putting her at ease with an off 
> colour joke.
> 6. Win her over by telling her I know Curtis.
> 7. Pretend I'm enlightened.
> 8. Tell her I used to know Robin Carson.
> 9. Tell her I have a connection in Amsterdam.
> 10. Quit the engagement because the wife is obviously trying to set me up.
> Any technique suggestions you feel like sharing would be appreciated.
> PS: For the new hire, I recommended to the wife that she hire the gay woman 
> she interviewed. 
> She's by far the best candidate. When I welcomed her to the company she gave 
> me firm handshake
> and the pain from my tennis elbow that shot up my arm almost put me in 
> Samadhi. 
> Obviously tennis elbow is no reason to give up FFL.


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