The subject line actually comes from Huffington Post, and links to this
article in Wired:
FBI Teaches Agents: `Mainstream' Muslims Are `Violent,
The FBI is teaching its counterterrorism agents that "main
stream"  [sic] American Muslims are likely to be terrorist
sympathizers; that the  Prophet Mohammed was a "cult leader";
and that the Islamic practice of  giving charity is no more than a
"funding mechanism for combat."

At the Bureau's training ground in Quantico, Virginia, agents are 
shown a chart contending that the more "devout" a Muslim, the
more  likely he is to be "violent." Those destructive tendencies
cannot be  reversed, an FBI instructional presentation adds: "Any
war against  non-believers is justified" under Muslim law; a
"moderating process  cannot happen if the Koran continues to be
regarded as the unalterable  word of Allah."

These are excerpts from dozens of pages of recent FBI training  material
on Islam that Danger Room has acquired. In them, the  Constitutionally
protected religious faith of millions of Americans is  portrayed as an
indicator of terrorist activity.

"There may not be a `radical' threat as much as it is simply
a normal  assertion of the orthodox ideology," one FBI presentation
notes. "The  strategic themes animating these Islamic values are not
fringe; they are  main stream."

The FBI isn't just treading on thin legal ice by portraying
ordinary,  observant Americans as terrorists-in-waiting, former
counterterrorism  agents say. It's also playing into al-Qaida's

Focusing on the religious behavior of American citizens instead of 
proven indicators of criminal activity like stockpiling guns or using 
shady financing makes it more likely that the FBI will miss the real 
warning signs of terrorism. And depicting Islam as inseparable from 
political violence is exactly the narrative al-Qaida spins — as is
the  related idea that America and Islam are necessarily in conflict.
That's  why FBI whistleblowers provided Danger Room with these

Over the past few years, American Muslim civil rights groups have raised
alarm about increased FBI and police presence in Islamic community
centers and mosques
<> , 
fearing that their lawful behavior is being targeted under the broad 
brush of counterterrorism. The documents may help explain the heavy 

They certainly aren't the first time the FBI has portrayed Muslims
in  a negative light during Bureau training sessions. As Danger Room 
reported in July, the FBI's Training Division has included
anti-Islam  books, and materials that claim Islam "transforms [a]
country's culture into 7th-century Arabian ways
<> ."  
When Danger Room confronted the FBI with that material, an official  
statement issued to us claimed, "The presentation in question was a 
rudimentary version used for a limited time that has since been 

But these documents aren't relics from an earlier era. One of these
briefings, titled "Strategic Themes and Drivers in Islamic Law
f> ," took place on March 21.

The Islam briefings are elective, not mandatory. "A disclaimer 
accompanied the presentation stating that the views expressed are those 
of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the U.S. 
government," FBI spokesman Christopher Allen tells Danger Room.

"The training materials in question were delivered as Stage Two 
training to counterterrorism-designated agents," Allen adds.
"This  training was largely derived from a variety of open source
publications  and includes the opinion of the analyst that developed the
lesson  block."

Not all counterterrorism veterans consider the briefings so benign. 
"Teaching counterterrorism operatives about obscure aspects of
Islam,"  says Robert McFadden, who recently retired as one of the
Navy Criminal  Investigative Service's al-Qaida-hunters,
"without context, without  objectivity, and without covering other
non-religious drivers of  dangerous behavior is no way to stop actual

Still, at Quantico, the alleged connection between Islam and violence
isn't just stipulated. It's literally graphed.


An FBI presentation titled "Militancy Considerations
iderations.pdf> "  measures the relationship between piety and
violence among the texts of  the three Abrahamic faiths. As time goes
on, the followers of the Torah  and the Bible move from
"violent" to "non-violent." Not so for devotees  of the
Koran, whose "moderating process has not happened." The line 
representing violent behavior from devout Muslims flatlines and 
continues outward, from 610 A.D. to 2010. In other words, religious 
Muslims have been and always will be agents of aggression.

Training at Quantico isn't designed for intellectual bull sessions
or  abstract theory, according to FBI veterans. The FBI conducts its 
training so that both seasoned agents and new recruits can sharpen their
investigative skills.

In this case, the FBI's Allen says, the counterterrorism agents who 
received these briefings have "spent two to three years on the
job." The  briefings are written accordingly. The stated purpose of
one, about  allegedly religious-sanctioned lying, is to "identify
the elements of  verbal deception in Islam and their impacts on Law
Enforcement." Not  "terrorism." Not even "Islamist
extremism." Islam.

What's more, the Islamic "insurgency" is all-encompassing
and  insidious. In addition to outright combat, its "techniques"
include  "immigration" and "law suits." So if a Muslim
wishes to become an  American or sues the FBI for harassment, it's
all just part of the  jihad.

On Tuesday, the leaders of the Senate Committee on Homeland Security, 
Joe Lieberman (I-Connecticut) and Susan Collins (R-Maine), warned that 
law enforcement lacks "meaningful standards
ng_we_will.php> "  to prevent anti-Islam material from seeping into
counterterrorism  training. Some FBI veterans suspect the increased
pressure on American  Muslims has a lot to do with the kind of training
that Quantico offers.

"Seeing the materials FBI agents are being trained with certainly 
helps explain why we've seen so many inappropriate FBI surveillance 
operations broadly targeting the Muslim-American community, from 
infiltrating mosques with agents provocateur to racial- and 
ethnic-mapping programs," Mike German, a former FBI agent now with
the  American Civil Liberties Union, tells Danger Room after being shown
the  documents. "Biased police training can only result in biased
policing."  (Full disclosure: This reporter's wife works for the

The chief of the Training Division, Assistant FBI Director Thomas
Browne, came into his current job in January. His official biography
<>   lists
no terrorism expertise beyond serving as a coordinator for a  bureau
"Domestic Terrorism Program" in Tennessee sometime in the last 

It is unclear what vetting process the FBI used to approve these 
briefings; if any Muslim scholars contributed to them; and what criteria
Quantico uses to determine Islamic expertise. "The development of 
effective training is a constantly evolving process," says FBI
spokesman  Allen. "Sometimes the training is adapted for long-term
use. This  particular training segment was delivered a single time and
not used  since."

Several of these briefings were the work of a single author: an FBI 
intelligence analyst named William Gawthrop. In 2006, before he joined 
the Bureau, he gave an interview to the website WorldNetDaily, and 
discussed some of the themes that made it into his briefings, years 
later. The Prophet "Muhammad's mindset is a source for terrorism
<> ,"  Gawthrop told the website,
which would later distinguish itself as a  leader of the
"birther" movement, a conspiracy theory that denies  President
Obama's American citizenship.

At the time, Gawthrop's major suggestion for waging the war on 
terrorism was to attack what he called "soft spots" in Islamic
faith  that might "induce a deteriorating cascade effect upon the
target." That  is, to discredit Islam itself and cause Muslims to
abandon their  religion. "Critical vulnerabilities of the Koran, for
example, are that  it was uttered by a mortal," he said. Alas, he
lamented, he faced the  bureaucratic obstacle of official
Washington's "political taboo of  linking Islamic violence to
the religion of Islam," according to the  website.

Back then, however, Gawthrop didn't work for the FBI. He had
recently  stepped down from a position with the Defense Department's
Counterintelligence Field Activity. That agency came under withering 
criticism during the Bush administration for keeping a database about 
threats to military bases that included reports on peaceful antiwar
protesters and dovish Church groups
<> . It is
unclear how Gawthrop came to work for the FBI.

Through an intermediary, Gawthrop told Danger Room that he was
unavailable for comment before our deadline.

The FBI didn't always conflate terrorism with Islam. "I never
saw that," says Ali Soufan, one of the FBI's most distinguished
counterterrorism agents
<>  and
author of the new memoir The Black Banners
22> ,  who retired from the bureau in 2005. "Sometimes, toward the
end of my  time, I started noticing it with different entities outside
the FBI. You  started feeling like they had a problem with
Islam-as-Islam, because of  the media. But that was a few people, and
was usually hidden behind  closed doors."

Soufan, a Muslim, has interrogated members of al-Qaida and contributed
to rolling up one of its cells in Yemen
51603274.html>  after 9/11. But by the logic of the FBI's training
materials, Soufan's religious practices make him a potential

McFadden, the former NCIS counterterrorist, has a lot of respect for 
his FBI colleagues, who he believes are ill-served by these Islam 
briefings. "These are earnest special agents and police officers who
want to know how do their job better," McFadden says.

Too often, McFadden says, counterterrorism training becomes 
simultaneously over-broad and ignorant. "Instead of looking for 
indicators of nefarious behavior, you have a sweeping generalization of 
things like, for instance, the Hawala system," McFadden explains.
"It's a  system that most of the developing world and
expatriates from it use to  move money around, including terrorists. But
you can't say the whole  hawala system is about terrorism, just like
you can't say that Islam as a  whole has anything to do with bad

McFadden, a Catholic, believes that obsessing over obscure Koranic 
verses is as useful a guide to terrorist behavior as "diving into
the  rite of exorcism" is to understanding Catholicism.

On April 6, barely two weeks after the "Islamic Motivations for 
`Suicide' Bombers" briefing at Quantico, FBI Director Robert
Mueller  defended the bureau's budget before a congressional
committee. Among his  major points: the FBI needs cooperation from
American Muslims to stop  the next terrorist attack.

"Since September 11th, every one of our 56 field offices and the 
leadership of those offices have had outreach to the Muslim
community,"  Mueller said. "We need the support of that
community … our business is  basically relationships." That is
exactly the opposite message sent in  the training rooms of Quantico,
where the next generation of FBI  counterterrorism is shaped.

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