--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <jstein@...> wrote:
> Shukra and Denise,
> An "Open Letter" is by definition written for a wider
> audience than the person to whom it's addressed; often
> there's zero expectation that the addressee will ever 
> read it. In many if not most cases, it's just an
> expression of opinion that takes the form of a letter
> for stylistic reasons. I suspect that's the case with
> Robin's letter, and that he knows Bevan is highly
> unlikely ever to read it. But the personal form of
> address is more expressive of his view of Bevan than
> if he were explicitly addressing only the members of
> FFL and using the third person to refer to him.

Another example in style of an "Open Letter" here:
Post 169121


> (Tangentially, can somebody volunteer to help Sal with
> her struggles to learn to count beyond one? Robin
> posted his letter twice, probably by accident, but Sal
> somehow managed to count three instances and used her
> miscount to demonize Robin.)
> That's 50 for me this week; back in a day or two.
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Denise Evans <dmevans365@> wrote:
> >
> > Suggest getting a strong edit to clarify your main points if you intend to 
> > send this.  Is it an audience you are seeking with him?  This will come 
> > across as a letter from one "disillusioned" and there would be no need for 
> > someone in his position to respond.  As they say, "sounds like a personal 
> > problem to me" and those are best addressed with oneself.  You have 
> > nothing to prove - you left for certain reasons and you can claim that 
> > decision as for, and by yourself.  No need to try and get Bevan to 
> > acknowledge your reality.  He lives in his own that is different from 
> > yours.  We all like to be validated but life is a grey area and the words 
> > "right" and "true" are always subjective.  Yours is just as valid as his.

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