Thanks for answering.

That's very interesting to know. I still think something would have been found 
by now. We have ground-penetrating satellites that can determine below-soil 
objects. We have Google earth displaying pictures of the entire globe - with 
thousands of eyes looking for stuff. We have also surveyed the Moon's surface 
and Mar's too. I believe some irrefutable anomaly would have to be spotted 

I hope they do find something. I think and expanded view of history and the 
possibility of life on other planets would do the world - as in politics, 
religion, society, etc. a lot of good.   

--- In, Mark Landau <m@...> wrote:
> Did anyone answer the question at the bottom?  He spoke as if there were no 
> question that the ancients had aircraft and humans and civilizations walked 
> the earth millions of years ago.  And he disparaged modern science regarding 
> human history saying things like "They find a bone and push history back 
> 100,000 years."

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