My pleasure.  There are many who believe irrefutable evidence has been found, 
especially on the moon, but that it's being covered up.  And the video at, starting around 5:50, is something 
recent on such things.  Of course all this is fringe speculation with very iffy 
evidence.  I, too, would love to see all this stuff, or, better put, real 
evidence break out into the mainstream.  But, then again, I'd love for earth 
quarantine to end and ships to appear...:-)  You know about Sitchin, no?  He's 
pretty far out but I still think there's something there.

On Oct 13, 2011, at 2:34 PM, martyboi wrote:

> Thanks for answering.
> That's very interesting to know. I still think something would have been 
> found by now. We have ground-penetrating satellites that can determine 
> below-soil objects. We have Google earth displaying pictures of the entire 
> globe - with thousands of eyes looking for stuff. We have also surveyed the 
> Moon's surface and Mar's too. I believe some irrefutable anomaly would have 
> to be spotted somewhere. 
> I hope they do find something. I think and expanded view of history and the 
> possibility of life on other planets would do the world - as in politics, 
> religion, society, etc. a lot of good. 
> --- In, Mark Landau <m@...> wrote:
> >
> > Did anyone answer the question at the bottom? He spoke as if there were no 
> > question that the ancients had aircraft and humans and civilizations walked 
> > the earth millions of years ago. And he disparaged modern science regarding 
> > human history saying things like "They find a bone and push history back 
> > 100,000 years."
> > 
> >

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