--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb <no_reply@...> wrote:
> That's where I think the real connection to FFL -- especially
> recently -- comes in. This place has been a hotbed of people 
> asserting that they not only have the right to try to change
> people they don't like, they've been asserting that it's some
> kind of ethical or moral duty, and that anyone who *doesn't*
> "do as they do" and try to impose their view of how things
> should be on others is ethically deficient.

Translation: People have been criticizing Barry's behavior
again, and this annoys him, because he believes he is
entitled to be immune from criticism. He believes he should
be free to treat the people he doesn't like as if they were
garbage, demonizing them, lying about them, and trying to
get others not to read their posts, without anybody--
including those he treats this way--uttering a peep of

> Bzzzzzt. As Curtis has pointed out so well, this just does
> not compute. The only environment in which such a 'tude
> *does* compute is a cult, especially one that has a history
> of treating its members like children who "need" to be
> corrected by their betters. In other words, the TM
> movement.

Only trouble is, most of the people who are criticizing
Barry have long since rejected the TM movement. 

> Such a sense of entitlement has no place on a forum composed
> of adults.

Says Barry, who feels entitled to treat us all like
children and lecture us on how we ought to behave, as if
we "need" to be corrected by our betters (i.e., Barry).

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