My apologies, although you will note in retrospect that
1) I never named the source of the remark, and 2) never
said that it was the only such remark. (It wasn'
least one other person made a similar comment before I
echoed it.)

That said, I do apologize, and agree that any comment
you might have made was "early on," before you got into
deeper conversations with the guy. And you are welcome
to your impressions of him; I just have different ones.

*That* said, and if there is any passive aggressive
intention involved on my part, it was to see how both 
Bob and Robin react to learning that the image of Robin 
sitting around in drag writing to FFL wasn't my invention? 

My intent was not to reveal any dickness on your part, 
but on theirs. As you and most people here probably know 
(but possibly not them, because they're both relative 
newbies), I've lived in towns that are 40% gay, worked 
for companies in which all employees other than myself
were gay, and am counted by my gay friends as one of
the least homophobic people they've ever met. What I
am is a sucker for metaphors that capture a particular
type of human behavior and a particular style of bad 
writing. I still believe that the posting-in-drag 
metaphor is right on. At least one person here agreed 
publicly, and a couple more did in email responses. 
But YMMV, and I don't want to push the metaphor on you 
or anyone else if you disagree with it. I just stick 
to my guns when it comes to my right to use it.

--- In, "curtisdeltablues" <curtisdeltablues@...> 
> --- In, turquoiseb <no_reply@> wrote:
> >
> > Curtis, because you're one of my homeboys and we like a lot of the
> > same things and all, I'll take your advice and do everything you say
> > in this post. I'll do this knowing that it won't change a damned thing,
> > and that the Spiritual Vigilantes (had to find a new name for them as
> > a performing group since there are now more than 3 of them and thus
> > "the Pips" is no longer appropriate) will keep up the same act anyway.
> > 
> > And because you're one of my buds and all, I'll go even further. First,
> > I'll avoid giving away the real source of the "Robin wears women's
> > clothing when he posts" line that someone found so offensive here.
> ME: 
> That was a bit of passive aggressive private conversation betrayal Barry, 
> what's up with that?
> The line you are referring to from a private email in the middle of July was: 
>  "But I had a good time uncovering his personal world like an anthropologist 
> and  I felt genuine affection and compassion for the guy.  It would not 
> surprise me in the least if on meeting him he was dressed as a woman." 
> It reflected the context of a lot of emphasis on Lady Gaga in our discussions 
> which could be taken as code, and I was genuinely wondering.  My amended view 
> of his orientation came as a result of personal emails.  And it was not meant 
> as a putdown, but as my perspective that I was dealing with a person who 
> lives very far outside the box.  And I still feel that way about Robin, 
> although not in this specific way.
> So I guess the gang has uncovered their cherished goal of getting me to 
> sincerely correct your behavior about something Barry.  I would appreciate if 
> you kept the contents of our private emails between us, and especially don't 
> want it used outside the intended context to make me look like a dick.

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