Denise, I do TM and I do not see it as brainwashing, other than washing the 
brain of clutter, naturally. I like it. It makes me feel good. 
All the crap of people trying to manipulate in the TMO, are only that of people 
who had previously manipulating behaviors, IMHO, and not the result of 
practicing TM, in itself. Although, it took me quite a few years to figure it 
out and I have been fooled by some of them. 

The fools anger me to no end, because they can make what looks good appear like 
a piece of shit. 
This category of, "fools," does not include people with claims of injury and 
hurt by people in the organization or people who may have had a bad experience 
with the presenter, the Maharishi. I believe these people have a right to 
express their opinion and also seek comforting or similar words to help them 
cope with whatever it was that made them sad, pissed off, or even stop 
They are not judged as any kind of losers in my thinking sphere. 
 I had to really look at the source of my frustrations and that being how I 
viewed those who idol worship and are on power trips. I will probably continue 
to bash the idiots on this FFL board, but that does not mean I am bashing TM or 
any other practice that brings people peace and bliss. 
I could not have learned it from a book, because   my questions exceed what a book 
can answer. I have met good TM teachers and bad TM teachers. 
For the most part, having friends who practice this same practice does not make 
a mold one could formulate the same stereotype person from, as all opinions 
differ among this same practicing group.
 I have lots of very good friends who meditate and lots who do not meditate.
 I am happy with them all. 

--- In, "authfriend" <jstein@...> wrote:
> --- In, Denise Evans <dmevans365@> wrote:
> >
> > Sheeeeeeet. Is that what "brainwashing" is?
> Nope. It's not necessarily what *TM* is, either. I don't
> know where johnt picked up this purported explanation,
> but I've never encountered it in the TM context.
> > ________________________________
> > From: johnt <johnlasher20002000@>
> > To:
> > Sent: Saturday, November 5, 2011 11:17 AM
> > Subject: [FairfieldLife] WHY TM CAN'T BE LEARNED FROM A BOOK
> > 
> > Why TM can't be learned from a book
> > 
> > A TM initiation alters the brainwave pattern of the one performing the 
> > puja. When the teacher then passes on the mantra to the person learning 
> > meditation he also passes on a brainwave state by a process know in 
> > neurophysiology as entrainment. Brainwave entrainment or "brainwave 
> > synchronization," is any practice that aims to cause brainwave frequencies 
> > to fall into step with a periodic stimulus having a frequency corresponding 
> > to the intended brain-state. This is only one of the Neuro effects of a TM 
> > initiation which is a very well crafted design of several which lead to a 
> > self transcending effect of the mantra.

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