--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Tom Pall <thomas.pall@...> wrote:
> On Sat, Nov 5, 2011 at 6:38 AM, shainm307 <shainm307@...> wrote:
> > What do you guys not know about the chakras?  I think Maharishi was
> > missing something.  I need to know from you guys what you think it is
> > because usually i get the anwswer from an outside source, like source or
> > whevever it comes from but know im not getting the answers.  I had my dad
> > talk to you guys yesterday, but now im doing it myself and i need to know
> > im doing it myself.  What do you guys think is missing? My dad needs to
> > learn something from you guys because i think his kundalini(spelling) is
> > wrong too.  So is mine for instance, but I don;t think adjusting them
> > everyday is the way to do it i think it has to do with more of being
> > yourself.
> >
> >
> Learning all about what Maharishi didn't teach about the chakras.
> Sponsoring very heavy, very intense yagyas.  The others I'm sponsoring for
> and I are going through some very rough stuff.  Stuff that's taken us to
> ERs on 3 different continents.    My specialty is the third chakra.  I have
> to wait every day for just the right time for the pain, retching and
> heaving to stop or subside long enough to chow down.
that's the legacy of  a Christian upbringing, "I'm suffering and listening to 
some whacked-out incomprehensible parables, now I'm on the right path! Why did 
I spend so such time in the bliss of yogic flying!?
   I've had about $20K
> worth of tests done and my internist, who is the most highly regarded in
> the area I'm in right now writes into his chart "nervous stomach".  As luck
> would have it, he practices Kundalini Yoga.  He tells me what's really
> happening is blowing trash out of my 3rd chakra, an especially important
> chakra for me as I suffered very powerful physical and emotional abuse as a
> child till the age of 16.
> I suspect Maharishi didn't talk about chakras because he truly did practice
> Yogurt Lite.   We'd do a lifetime of meditation and the <Begin laughter>
> sidhis </End laughter> then eventually reconvene a few centuries in the
> future to join into doing some serious work on our karma and consciousness.
>    Maharishi's final words to Invincible: fine points about consciousness.
> Nothing with respect to the subtle or gross body.  Perhaps this is because
> Maharishi spent his life in denial.  His heart, kidneys, eyes, hearing and
> peripheral nerves were destroyed by diabetes he refused to treat.   After a
> while you start to wonder if his constant references to "the" neck, "the"
> heart, "the" body weren't just for emphasis.  Perhaps he was happily trying
> to be dissociated from his body.   BTW, SSRS says we don't drop the body.
> The body drops us.

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