There's a "Magical" quality to TM you'll never get unless you actually do it. 
No amount of data regarding the outer, superficial properties of TM can 
penetrate the outer coverings (what can be written down in a book); and get 
into the Absolute heart of the matter. A pissing contest enumerating academic 
and/or historial references is hopeless; ultimately speaking...although such 
discourses are sometimes interesting.

--- In, Vaj <vajradhatu@...> wrote:
> On Nov 7, 2011, at 4:57 PM, Bhairitu wrote:
> > It's cobbled from a number of different recitations and shuddhis 
> > including the guru puja. The tradition of masters is the only thing 
> > that is probably TM unique. There is no one standard puja. Offerings 
> > different and length according to who is performing the puja.
> And we now know at least part of it was done by a poet-pandit and retrieved 
> instead of destroyed despite the insistence of his master. Such is the karma 
> of Asuriac gurus the west is oh so familiar with. Vimalananda was right.

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