"Here's the sordid back-story: Linda Katehi was born in Athens in 1954 and got 
her undergraduate degree at the famous Athens Polytechnic. She just happened to 
be the right age to be a student at the Polytechnic university on the very day, 
November 17, 1973, when the junta sent in tanks and soldiers to crush her 
fellow pro-democracy students. It was only after democracy was restored in 
1974–and Greek university campuses were turned into police-free "asylum 
zones"–that Linda Katehi eventually moved to the USA, earning her PhD at UCLA.

Earlier this year, Linda Katehi served on an "International Committee On Higher 
Education In Greece," along with a handful of American, European and Asian 
academics. The ostensible goal was to "reform" Greece's university system. The 
real problem, from the real powers behind the scenes (banksters and the EU), 
was how to get Greece under control as the austerity-screws tightened. It 
didn't take a genius to figure out that squeezing more money from Greece's 
beleaguered citizens would mean clamping down on Greece's democracy and doing 
something about those pesky Greek university students. And that meant taking 
away the universities' "amnesty" protection, in place for nearly four decades, 
so that no one, nowhere, would be safe from police truncheons, gas, or bullets.

Thanks to the EU, bankers, and UC Davis chancellor Linda Katehi, university 
freedom for Greece's students has taken a huge, dark step backwards."

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