Huh?  I have to look everything up.  Today I learned some latin from 
Judy..."casus belli"....justification for war.  Now....

Darkness, inertia and resistance to action---praying to fulfill base desires?  
I need context :)

        * In the Samkhya school of philosophy, tamas (Sanskrit / तमस् tamas 
"darkness") is one of the three gunas (or qualities), the other two being rajas 
(passion and activity) and sattva or purity). Tamas is the template for inertia 
or resistance to action. ...

        * Tamasic desire resulting in worship typically has the worshiper 
praying to fulfill base desires and dispel fear.

> From: Ravi Yogi <>
>Sent: Monday, November 28, 2011 10:44 PM
>Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Vag worse than just dishonest,much worse
>Oops..yes as in I can smoke, have sex and sleep at any time of the day 
>effortlessly, I'm utterly tamasic. Blessed are the tamasics, with awareness 
>they can transcend faster.
>Cursed are the rajasic who need to quiet their restless minds with sadhana, 
>seva and satsang.
>From: Emily Reyn <>
>To: "" <>
>Sent: Mon, November 28, 2011 10:40:10 PM
>Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Vag worse than just dishonest,much worse
>"and I could these any time of the day effortlessly and didn't need any mantra 
>for that."
>And you could _____(fill in the blank) these any time of the day.....?  
>> From: Ravi Yogi <>
>>Sent: Monday, November 28, 2011 10:34 PM
>>Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Vag worse than just dishonest,much worse
>>From: authfriend <>
>>Sent: Mon, November 28, 2011 10:22:48 PM
>>Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Vag worse than just dishonest,much worse
>>--- In, Ravi Yogi <raviyogi@...> wrote:
>>> Right.. Not the linguistic origins, scriptural authority or
>>> caste but the pure shakti infused by a self realized master.
>>> Personally mantra chanting made me sleepy and bored, so even
>>> though I got a mantra from my Guru during my first meeting
>>> upon the insistence of my ex I never chanted it for too long
>>> and discontinued it soon after.
>>For the record, with TM one doesn't chant the mantra but
>>entertains it mentally. (But some TMers say even that makes
>>them sleepy and bored...)
>>Yes of course, you have clarified that before - I wouldn't have known 
>>otherwise.  I was never restless so mantras or chanting them made me pretty 
>>sleepy. As I have said before for fools the 3 S's of spirituality are 
>>Sadhana, Satsang and Seva. Mine were Sex, Sleep and Smoke and I could these 
>>any time of the day effortlessly and didn't need any mantra for that.

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