--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "raunchydog" <raunchydog@...> wrote:
> The Andante Of Snakes
> They weave a slow andante as in sleep,
> Scaled yellow, swampy black, plague-spotted white;
> With blue and lidless eyes at watch they keep
> A treachery of silence; infinite
> Ancestral angers brood in these dull eyes
> Where the long-lineaged venom of the snake
> Meditates evil; woven intricacies
> Of Oriental arabesque awake,
> Unfold, expand, contract, and raise and sway
> Swoln heart-shaped heads, flattened as by a heel,
> Erect to suck the sunlight from the day,
> And stealthily and gradually reveal
> Dim cabalistic signs of spots and rings
> Among their folds of faded tapestry;
> Then these fat, foul, unbreathing, moving things
> Droop back to stagnant immobility.
> Arthur Symons
> [http://images.clipartof.com/small/1048180-Royalty-Free-RF-Clip-Art-Illu\
> stration-Of-A-Cartoon-Evil-Snake.jpg]
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, maskedzebra <no_reply@> wrote:
> >
> > Dear Vaj,
> >
> > Look, Vaj: if you can furnish *any* proof that you know me beyond
> having (perhaps) been a  witness to an hour's conversation in
> Washington, DC 25 years ago where I resisted hearing my astrology chart
> read aloud to me (being at that time a serious convert to Catholicism,
> and having understood the Church's Teaching about the harm of accepting
> some mystical determinism as the explanation for the person that I was),
> I will promise to support and champion you here at FFL. And why am I
> willing to become a Vaj apologist (if you provide the slightest evidence
> to back up your claim: "I'd be happy to refresh your memory!")? Because
> clearly, if there is any truth whatsoever in this assertion of
> yours—not to mention that indeed you were in fact a TM
> initiator—it means that you have decided, even knowing that you are
> telling the truth about these things, that you deliberately wish to
> arouse suspicion about the veracity of those same claims. And
> this—the motive you have in wanting people to doubt the truth of
> what you say—intrigues me, as suggesting you are following some
> enigmatic and impenetrable mission, a mission whose success evidently
> depends upon your acquiring a reputation as a liar and a mountebank.
> >
> > What this amounts to, then, is some kind of manipulated martyrdom: you
> are in fact a TM initiator; you did in fact have personal contact with
> Maharishi; you did practice the Sidhis; and you really did have a
> face-to-face conversation with me (even hearing me speak about Michael
> Jackson—although once I became a Catholic I certainly altered my
> idea of everything, including what I took to be something—at that
> time 1984-85—angelic about Jackson)—but you choose to shroud all
> this in doubt and skepticism. What a fascinating strategy—but I ask:
> to what end?
> >
> > On the other hand, I have decided if this aforementioned
> interpretation is in defiance of the actual facts of the matter, then I,
> in all sincerity, Vaj, ask that you seek professional help; or, if that
> is considered too infra dig, that you seriously attempt to get control
> of your compulsions, your Pinocchio-Walter Mitty Syndrome, through some
> act of will.
> >
> > [The American Heritage Dictionary defines a Walter Mitty as "an
> ordinary, often ineffectual person who indulges in fantastic daydreams
> of personal triumphs.]
> >
> > Now I don't of course dismiss your intelligence, nor your knowledge of
> various Eastern spiritual practices. And perhaps you are even an
> accomplished person in the world. But this hunger to have a purely
> imaginary life—associating yourself with TM, with Maharishi, with
> being a TM initiator, with knowing (and even having confronted)
> myself—when, as you know in your conscience all this is a lie, well,
> it just baffles me. But then when I see you in action here at FFL I
> realize that this entire fantasy life has got the better of you; that
> you cannot help yourself; that you are powerless to get control of this
> behaviour. And therefore I am going to look upon you, Vaj, with mercy
> and compassion. You cannot help following out this dream world to the
> very end.
> >
> > That is, assuming the alternate interpretation is invalid: that you
> are not gathering intelligence for some secret agency who is paying you
> a fortune to have your reputation and honour
> besmirched—deliberately—by making sure you say things that you
> are certain others will know cannot be true.
> >
> > I would, though—and I realize this is ironic in the
> extreme—like to share one confidential fact about me: I am married
> to Lady Gaga—Now of course she will deny this if you confront her
> with this fact; but the truth is, she has to do this; indeed she is even
> supposed not to  remember even that we are married. But know, Vaj that
> we *are* married. Just ask her to e-mail you offline and *I* will be
> happy to refresh her memory.
> >
> > Robin
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradhatu@ wrote:
> > >
> > >
> > > On Nov 27, 2011, at 12:41 AM, maskedzebra wrote:
> > >
> > > > I don't know you at all, Vaj. And you don't know me. That first
> sentence of yours, it's your signature move. You are a fantasist. If you
> can provide the name of one person from my past who will vouch for your
> claim to know me, I will disavow what I say now without equivocation:
> you are a liar. I think you could say you travelled with Lenin on the
> train to Moscow just before the Revolution. What is this all about, Vaj?
> This for me is a dangerous condition. Get a grip. If you overheard
> something I said about Michael Jackson back in 1984 you would, without
> even trying, convey the context of my experience. This is just something
> you picked up second-hand. And it does not communicate, even then (when
> I was in my Unity hallucination] what I thought about Michael Jackson.
> Vaj you have never once even attempted to establish your bona fides
> regarding Maharishi, TM, being a TM teacher, or your personal knowledge
> of myself. I am amazed that anyone takes you seriously—that is, when
> you attempt to falsify your personal history. You are a stranger to me,
> Vaj. And if you did in fact meet me that one afternoon, I can't recall
> you saying anything to me at all. Until you are willing to be honest
> with me I will simply reject all your claims to know anything at all
> about me—from personal experience.
> > >
> > >
> > > Great Robin. Email me off list and I'd be happy to refresh your
> memory!
> >

The Andante Of Snakes

They weave a slow andante as in sleep, 
Scaled yellow, swampy black, plague-spotted white; 
With blue and lidless eyes at watch they keep 
A treachery of silence; infinite 

Ancestral angers brood in these dull eyes 
Where the long-lineaged venom of the snake 
Meditates evil; woven intricacies 
Of Oriental arabesque awake, 

Unfold, expand, contract, and raise and sway 
Swoln heart-shaped heads, flattened as by a heel, 
Erect to suck the sunlight from the day, 
And stealthily and gradually reveal 

Dim cabalistic signs of spots and rings 
Among their folds of faded tapestry; 
Then these fat, foul, unbreathing, moving things 
Droop back to stagnant immobility. 

Arthur Symons

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, maskedzebra <no_reply@...> wrote:
> Dear Vaj,
> Look, Vaj: if you can furnish *any* proof that you know me beyond having 
> (perhaps) been a witness to an hour's conversation in Washington, DC 25 years 
> ago where I resisted hearing my astrology chart read aloud to me (being at 
> that time a serious convert to Catholicism, and having understood the 
> Church's Teaching about the harm of accepting some mystical determinism as 
> the explanation for the person that I was), I will promise to support and 
> champion you here at FFL. And why am I willing to become a Vaj apologist (if 
> you provide the slightest evidence to back up your claim: "I'd be happy to 
> refresh your memory!")? Because clearly, if there is any truth whatsoever in 
> this assertion of yours—not to mention that indeed you were in fact a TM 
> initiator—it means that you have decided, even knowing that you are telling 
> the truth about these things, that you deliberately wish to arouse suspicion 
> about the veracity of those same claims. And this—the motive you have in 
> wanting people to doubt the truth of what you say—intrigues me, as suggesting 
> you are following some enigmatic and impenetrable mission, a mission whose 
> success evidently depends upon your acquiring a reputation as a liar and a 
> mountebank.
> What this amounts to, then, is some kind of manipulated martyrdom: you are in 
> fact a TM initiator; you did in fact have personal contact with Maharishi; 
> you did practice the Sidhis; and you really did have a face-to-face 
> conversation with me (even hearing me speak about Michael Jackson—although 
> once I became a Catholic I certainly altered my idea of everything, including 
> what I took to be something—at that time 1984-85—angelic about Jackson)—but 
> you choose to shroud all this in doubt and skepticism. What a fascinating 
> strategy—but I ask: to what end?
> On the other hand, I have decided if this aforementioned interpretation is in 
> defiance of the actual facts of the matter, then I, in all sincerity, Vaj, 
> ask that you seek professional help; or, if that is considered too infra dig, 
> that you seriously attempt to get control of your compulsions, your 
> Pinocchio-Walter Mitty Syndrome, through some act of will.
> [The American Heritage Dictionary defines a Walter Mitty as "an ordinary, 
> often ineffectual person who indulges in fantastic daydreams of personal 
> triumphs.]
> Now I don't of course dismiss your intelligence, nor your knowledge of 
> various Eastern spiritual practices. And perhaps you are even an accomplished 
> person in the world. But this hunger to have a purely imaginary 
> life—associating yourself with TM, with Maharishi, with being a TM initiator, 
> with knowing (and even having confronted) myself—when, as you know in your 
> conscience all this is a lie, well, it just baffles me. But then when I see 
> you in action here at FFL I realize that this entire fantasy life has got the 
> better of you; that you cannot help yourself; that you are powerless to get 
> control of this behaviour. And therefore I am going to look upon you, Vaj, 
> with mercy and compassion. You cannot help following out this dream world to 
> the very end.
> That is, assuming the alternate interpretation is invalid: that you are not 
> gathering intelligence for some secret agency who is paying you a fortune to 
> have your reputation and honour besmirched—deliberately—by making sure you 
> say things that you are certain others will know cannot be true.
> I would, though—and I realize this is ironic in the extreme—like to share one 
> confidential fact about me: I am married to Lady Gaga—Now of course she will 
> deny this if you confront her with this fact; but the truth is, she has to do 
> this; indeed she is even supposed not to remember even that we are married. 
> But know, Vaj that we *are* married. Just ask her to e-mail you offline and 
> *I* will be happy to refresh her memory.
> Robin
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradhatu@ wrote:
> >
> > 
> > On Nov 27, 2011, at 12:41 AM, maskedzebra wrote:
> > 
> > > I don't know you at all, Vaj. And you don't know me. That first sentence 
> > > of yours, it's your signature move. You are a fantasist. If you can 
> > > provide the name of one person from my past who will vouch for your claim 
> > > to know me, I will disavow what I say now without equivocation: you are a 
> > > liar. I think you could say you travelled with Lenin on the train to 
> > > Moscow just before the Revolution. What is this all about, Vaj? This for 
> > > me is a dangerous condition. Get a grip. If you overheard something I 
> > > said about Michael Jackson back in 1984 you would, without even trying, 
> > > convey the context of my experience. This is just something you picked up 
> > > second-hand. And it does not communicate, even then (when I was in my 
> > > Unity hallucination] what I thought about Michael Jackson. Vaj you have 
> > > never once even attempted to establish your bona fides regarding 
> > > Maharishi, TM, being a TM teacher, or your personal knowledge of myself. 
> > > I am amazed that anyone takes you seriously—that is, when you attempt to 
> > > falsify your personal history. You are a stranger to me, Vaj. And if you 
> > > did in fact meet me that one afternoon, I can't recall you saying 
> > > anything to me at all. Until you are willing to be honest with me I will 
> > > simply reject all your claims to know anything at all about me—from 
> > > personal experience.
> > 
> > 
> > Great Robin. Email me off list and I'd be happy to refresh your memory!

RESPONSE: Found it, raunchydog. I hope that Vaj is not the Andante of Snakes. 
But I'm afraid "a treachery of silence" does prevail. Vaj—however wonderful a 
person he may be—has decided to enjoy participating on a forum where the vast 
majority of members are either TM meditators or former TM meditators. And there 
are among us many initiators (teachers of TM). Most of us have had some contact 
with Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. Vaj has attempted to pass himself off as a TM 
initiator—but the very attempt to do so incriminates him, because all of us 
have been branded in some way by our TM experiences. Having done TM cannot, 
just in the nature of the case, be faked or contrived. Vaj assumes something 
that just isn't true: that TM and Maharishi Mahesh Yogi is just another New Age 
story. He feels he can move in among us acting like any other ex-TMer. But it 
is obvious in *everything* he says he does not bring along the context of the 
TM experience. Because no matter if we are hostile and contemptuous as Barry 
is, or Sal—vis-a-vis TM and Maharishi—all of us bear the impressions of having 
transcended and having pointed ourselves towards Maharishi as if he were a 
genuine Master. It is one thing to walk away from all this—even to be bitter 
and cynical about it all; but this is very different from posing as an 
ex-initiator—pretending to have known Maharishi. In the latter case (consisting 
of set of one) there is no evidence of the real contact with what 
Transcendental Meditation is, nor who Maharishi Mahesh Yogi was.

"Woven intricacies/Of Oriental arabesque awake"—Vaj evidently has studied 
comprehensively the sacred texts of all Eastern spiritual teachings which 
interest him—and he has extended his—intellectual, not empirical—research to TM 
and Maharishi and the Guru Dev. BUT HE HAS NO WOUNDS UPON HIM. He therefore—who 
knows why?—has decided to become a liar, a charlatan, so that he can—from his 
detached vantage point—ridicule and mock the whole TM-Maharishi enterprise. I 
wonder if he even knows why he does this. It is one thing if someone who has 
taught TM attacks Maharishi and TM [as I have done repeatedly]; it is another 
thing to falsify oneself and the reality of TM and Maharishi by pretending to 
be speaking from the perspective of real experience and personal history. 
Whereas in fact the only person on FFL who could argue for the legitimacy of 
Vaj's claims would be someone—I know of such a person—who thought it served his 
or her purpose to perpetuate this lie (as if it somehow could be true).

"Stagnant immobility": I think so. I just don't get it, raunchydog. Obviously 
Vaj is intelligent, and I genuinely would like to discuss these religious 
issues with him. But he is an actor playing a part, inside his own play, 
writing his own script as he goes along. But where we are existing it is 
reality. And Vaj, in so far as he is affecting this pose of being a TM 
initiator, disqualifies himself from saying anything meaningful about TM. Now 
were he to admit he has never been initiated into TM, then the entire context 
of his spiritual writings would alter—and I for one would listen to him. But as 
it is, if someone acts as if he is committed to a spiritual vision of the 
universe, but sees nothing incompatible with lying inside the very conversation 
about these highest truths, then he refutes himself. Because his conscience 
condemns him in each act in which he is performing his sham imitation of being 
an ex-TM initiator. 

This is not merely a matter of content as such—what he says. It is something 
that goes much deeper than this. It is his very credibility as a human being. 
And how can he expect to be inspired in anything that he writes, if all the 
while he is doing this, he is playing false to himself. And after discussing 
this issue with him as much as I have, it would seem he is determined to 
perpetuate this fraud—even at the cost of knowing, as he surely must, that he 
undermines even the possibility of reading what he writes on its own terms. 
Because all the while we are aware, as his readers, that he is pretending to be 
a witness to a reality which he never knew.

One says to oneself: Oh, well, let's leave the guy alone. Fine. But think of 
what immeasurable benefit would accrue to his experience of confessing (or just 
quietly acknowledging) that he never did TM, never was a TM initiator, never 
knew Maharishi—and something else as well (his claim to have confronted the 
jolly old Unity Consciousness guy—and exposed the inauthenticity of his 
enlightenment). He would be set free! I really feel this, raunchydog. I don't 
do him any favours by ignoring his elaborate hoax.

I wonder what his Teacher thinks of his game. And the really amazing thing is 
that there is no contact high with regard to TM and Maharishi. Vaj demonstrates 
transparently that for all the years he has been writing about TM and Maharishi 
and the TM Movement, *he doesn't know the first thing about it*. It's sort of 
like sex, Vaj baby. You have to have the experience.

Appreciate the poem, raunchydog. And its pertinence. 

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