Quoted from claims:

"What you see you become
Putting our attention on the Vedic sequence creates brainwave coherence "

Maybe this was tested, maybe not.  Does anyone know?  It is quite a claim that 
would require evidence to be believed.  I suspect that the old Maharishi 
"flying" coherence move is in play again.

"and enlivens the genetic sequence of the DNA. When the genes are reset,"

This is the most dubious claim.  I think they are using sciency sounding terms 
to lend some credibility to outrageous speculation. In what sense are the genes 
reset?  Do we have any other scientific evidence for this kind of affect at 
this level of our cells?  "Enlivens the genetic sequence of the DNA" is 
practically an Onion parody of flim flam medical claims.

But I may be wrong, who knows what genetic resetting is and how we know mental 
processes accomplish this.  I don't even remember any TM research that 
approaches this level of fantasy claim.

< they in turn reset the physiology to a more ideal and healthy functioning. 
This is the physiological reality of the Vedic saying `What you see you 

And then your tummy feels better no doubt.  Nice choice of baby words in the 
video to assist the listener access that mother is at home zone of credulity.  

But I may be wrong, lets hear from someone who wants to explain what these 
beliefs are based on and why scientific terms are invoked rather than just 
using the Vedic terms which in my view is a more honest presentation of where 
these beliefs come from.  This is a matter of religious faith on the level of 
the spiritual value of the Eucharist.  

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 <no_reply@...> wrote:
> Maharishi's Global Family Chat Summary
> December 3, 2011
> Extraordinary Results from Course on Vedic Physiology
> A course to align oneself with the Veda, Total Natural Law, has become
> an extraordinary success.
>   [Dr Alarik] Early this year Dr. Morris suggested to Drs Alarik and
> Cynthia Arenander that they design a course based on Maharaja's
> discovery that the human physiology is the expression of Veda. The
> course they created is entitled `The Individual is Cosmic'. The
> central feature is an electronic model, which Maharishi designed and
> refined over many years, to demonstrate the correspondences between the
> verses of Rik Ved and aspects of the human physiology. The model,
> developed by the Ministry of Health of the Global Country of World
> Peace, shows the physiology, and the relevant part lights up and blinks
> when the corresponding verses of the Veda are recited.
>   [Model]
> Extraordinary results
> The first course was offered in June, and participants had such
> unexpected and excellent results that more and more people have joined
> each course and now the 8th course is about to start. Many people just
> keep attending as many courses as they can, as the experience of healing
> and growth of consciousness just keep on improving.
> A course participant wrote, `I am amazed at how quickly my health
> disorders – just – poof – disappeared! I have worked on my
> health for years. Imagine, now having something that is so easy, quick,
> enjoyable and long lasting. What a great gift to humanity! It is the
> future in health care coming to us NOW! Thank you Maharishi, Maharaja
> and the Health Ministry.'
>   [Group]
> How does it work?
> The course includes both intellectual understanding and experience of
> Vedic recitations. Dr Arenander gave a brilliant explanation of how the
> evolutionary, healing effects are generated. When awareness settles, it
> becomes Self-referral, and the innate intelligence of the body, which is
> Veda, is enlivened. All possibilities are enlivened in the memory of
> order in Veda, which is the internal structure of the Self. This is
> `self-repair mechanism'—the order does it itself.
> Veda, Total Natural Law, gives rise to the DNA as the perfect expression
> of Total Natural Law, which in turn gives rise to the physiology. When
> through daily living some `dust' collects—stress or disorder
> accumulates—and the physiology no longer functions according to the
> original design, then we can return to the Veda to reset it. Maharishi
> called this `Putting Atma to practice'. The Vedic recitation
> enlivens the perfect sequential expression of DNA and physiology.
> What you see you become
> Putting our attention on the Vedic sequence creates brainwave coherence
> and enlivens the genetic sequence of the DNA. When the genes are reset,
> they in turn reset the physiology to a more ideal and healthy
> functioning. This is the physiological reality of the Vedic saying
> `What you see you become'.
> Available in Europe this month
> At the end of December Drs Arenander will begin a tour of Europe:
> MERU, Holland – 27 to 31 December
> United Kingdom – 6 to 9 January
> Italy – 14 and 15 January
> Spain – 17 to 22 January
> Turkey – 23 to 29 January
> Everyone is welcome, including non-meditators.
> Apply early for the MERU course by email at: courses@...
> <https://mail.google.com/mail/h/koodde1z53jk/?&v=b&cs=wh&to=courses@maha\
> rishi.net>  or at
> http://www.globalcountrycourses.com/events/winter/index.php#assembly
> <http://www.globalcountrycourses.com/events/winter/index.php#assembly>
> For the national courses please book through your national office.

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