On 12/22/2011 01:17 PM, turquoiseb wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu<noozguru@...>  wrote:
>> I was hoping that "Enlightened" might be FFL on TV which
>> would make for either a great comedy or an insane thriller.
>> But that didn't happen.
> Have no fear. Watch "Salvation Boulevard" instead.
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TYiYHfciJwE
> Greg Kennear plays Carl, a former Deadhead who now
> is a member of a megachurch led by Pastor Dan (Pierce
> Brosnan). All goes well (if you can call a boring,
> brainwashed life "going well") until Pastor Dan
> accidentally shoots the atheist author he was just
> debating, and then decides to blame it all on Carl.
> The cult language is Christian, not Neo-Hindu, but
> the rap is the same and the mindset is the same. To
> hear the church members both lay into Carl and
> defend Pastor Dan -- even the ones who know that
> he did the shooting -- is in many ways a Fairfield
> Life deja vu experience...and interestingly it's
> both a comedy *and* an insane thriller. :-) You'd
> probably like it. Cool performances by Jennifer
> Connolly and Marisa Tomei, too.

It hasn't released on DVD in the US yet.  A release list shows 
"undecided" for all retail and rental channels.  I was able to put a 
"save" on Netflix though.  Funny because it had summer release in the 
US.  The IMDB message board had threads like "why does Hollywood always 
dump on Christians and never Muslims!"  Oh boy.

Now for something much closer to FFL try the 1993 British mini-series 
"Buddha of Suburbia" with Naveen Andrews ("Lost").

What is not mentioned in the synopsis is Naveen's character's father 
played by Roshan Seth is an accountant who plays "guru" to gullible 

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