>'s not my contention that anything was "proved" 
> in Judith's book, only that her story, seemed plausible 
> to me. 
So, did you ever get a chance to cross examine MMY and
get his side of the story? Now that he's passed away he
can't defend his own good name. But, you'd think his
own desciples would come to his defense. Go figure.

> There's not enough (if any) evidence that we have to 
> actually determine what, if anything, occurred between 
> Maharishi and Judith, or anyone else.
Apparently the only evidence is a report by Judith, but
I wonder where Jemima Pittman, Nandi Keshore, and Nancy
were that night. From what I've read, MMY used to post
skin-boy outside his door at all times.

For many reasons, I just can't imagine a guy like MMY
doing it to a gal on his deer skin rug under a photo of
SBS up on the roof of his house that didn't even have 
a bathroom in it or running water. 

> It doesn't seem far fetched to me that a guy like him, 
> who obviously enjoyed power and privilege, wouldn't 
> also be attracted to others sexually.
So, why do you think the informants Barry and Curtis are 
in such denial? They seem really scared of Ravi telling 
the truth about the TMO and their nefarious sexcapades
in bars. I mean if their guru did it, why wouldn't they?

Why would they let MMY have all the fun? It doesn't make
any sense. According to Ned Wynn, having sexual 
relations on TTC was just about the main activity!

> That doesn't mean that he actually engaged in sexual 
> activities with anyone, but as unique as he appeared 
> to be in lots of ways, I don't know why we would assume 
> that he was exempt from natural human desire and behavior 
> when he exhibited other normal human characteristics.
> His proclivities, one way or the other, are not before 
> us in any sort of forensic setting where we might hope 
> to come to a more accurate determination. And even if 
> they were, we could still come to the wrong conclusion.
> So, go figure, eh?
Well, I figure you must have paid Judith $37.50 for a 
lousy paperback book with a few louse photos in it. Then
you passed it around to all your friends up there in
Fairfield. Or, did you get your dog-eared copy from Rick?

I got screwed by a old geezer into buying the trashy book,
but after reading it I threw it in the trash where it

> > > I don't think that he was a pervert or
> > > inordinately lecherous.
> > >
> > It's a very weak defense, Marek - apparently
> > I'm the only real defender of Maharishi
> > Mahesh Yogi on this entire list.
> > 
> > Go figure.
> > 
> > It has NOT been established that MMY had
> > sexual relations with anyone. You would
> > think that at least one informant would be
> > able to provide evidence if this were true.
> > 
> > Without some evidence, or an believable
> > eyewitness report, I'm just not buying it.
> > 
> > So, let's review:
> > 
> > Are we to believe that Judith walked over
> > to Marshy's house, in the dead of night,
> > climbed in through the bedroom window,
> > and had sexual relations with MMY on his
> > deer skin rug under a painting of Guru Dev.
> > 
> > With Nanda Kishore asleep in the living
> > room and Ms Pittman posted at the front
> > door?
> > 
> > This is just outrageous!
> > 
> > 
> > According to Nancy, you could hear a pin
> > drop on a warm night up there on the hill
> > in Rishikesh India.
> > 
> > Are you thinking that Judith could get
> > within ten feet of the Maharishi without
> > anyone in the whole ashram knowing about
> > it?
> > 
> > Secretly traisping over to MMY's house,
> > with a flashlight and probably with duck
> > tape on their ankle bells, to what, give MMY
> > a sexy back rub?
> > 
> > It just doesn't make any sense, Marek.

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