MMY calls Patanjali's Eight limbs of Yoga *means* to Yoga in his Bhagavad Gita 
(appendix on Yoga). Mistakenly, many Meditators have been led to think they are 
the *end* of Yoga, this is a mistake!!  MMY only meant to imply to become 
*expert* in any of the limbs they must be *supplemented* with temporary Samadhi 

MMY says: "With the continuous practice of all these limbs, or means, 
simultaneously, the state of Yoga grows simultaneously in all the eight spheres 
of life, eventually to become permanent." Gita on Yoga

After about 30 years of regular TM practice I became concerned that there 
appeared to be something *missing* from my practice, I wasn't getting the 
results I thought I should be, that's when I looked a little deeper in to what 
MMY actually *wrote* and sure enough, Yoga was meant to be supplemented with 
ethical and moral disciplines as defined by Patanjali as Yama and NiYama which 
MMY conveniently avoided getting in to in order to have World Wide appeal.

At any rate, if you want to improve your meditation and *grow faster* in 
unfolding consciousness you'd be advised to begin to practice ALL of Yoga not 
just a few bytes, here and there, but you won't here this from the TMorg!

"Yoga is the means AND the End".

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