--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "wgm4u" <anitaoaks4u@...> wrote:
> MMY calls Patanjali's Eight limbs of Yoga *means* to Yoga in his Bhagavad 
> Gita (appendix on Yoga). Mistakenly, many Meditators have been led to think 
> they are the *end* of Yoga, this is a mistake!!  MMY only meant to imply to 
> become *expert* in any of the limbs they must be *supplemented* with 
> temporary Samadhi experiences.
> MMY says: "With the continuous practice of all these limbs, or means, 
> simultaneously, the state of Yoga grows simultaneously in all the eight 
> spheres of life, eventually to become permanent." Gita on Yoga
> After about 30 years of regular TM practice I became concerned that there 
> appeared to be something *missing* from my practice, I wasn't getting the 
> results I thought I should be, that's when I looked a little deeper in to 
> what MMY actually *wrote* and sure enough, Yoga was meant to be supplemented 
> with ethical and moral disciplines as defined by Patanjali as Yama and NiYama 
> which MMY conveniently avoided getting in to in order to have World Wide 
> appeal.
> At any rate, if you want to improve your meditation and *grow faster* in 
> unfolding consciousness you'd be advised to begin to practice ALL of Yoga not 
> just a few bytes, here and there, but you won't hear this from the TMorg!
> "Yoga (as the eight limbs) is the means AND Yoga (as the Union of Soul and 
> Spirit) is the End", Yoga, thereby, is BOTH the means AND the end!

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