--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues" <curtisdeltablues@...> 

Not getting into the whole Vaj-Robin thing since I have zero
firsthand knowledge of any of it. But:

> Why people don't believe Vaj was a TM teacher or even a TMer:
> He has said things that seemed to some people to contradict 
> Maharishi's teaching concerning the practice of TM itself.
> (people used to use this technique on me to "prove" that I
> NEVER really understood Maharishi's teaching because I now
> express it though my current filter and derisive language.
> In an interview I talked about getting my "buzz" from the
> technique and was highly denounced for such a non TM
> approved way to look at the practice.

Not even remotely equivalent, Curtis. From my perspective,
it's the clueless misrepresentation of the very most basic
instructions for practice that's the giveaway.

And that's supported now, on the record, by something like
eight teachers, mostly former, who represent varying degrees
of support for/antipathy toward TM.

I make the point once again: Nobody, to my knowledge, has
ever questioned the TM-teacher credentials of even the very
most derisive of the TM critics on FFL--except for those of

OK, there's one comment on Vaj vs. Robin that I can make
based on firsthand knowledge: Entirely aside from the issue
of whether Vaj was a TM teacher, Vaj has frequently lied or
attempted to mislead about a range of TM-related material,
including about some of the TMers here and about what's
been said in the discussions.

As far as I can tell, Robin has not. Indeed, a number of
folks have remarked on his evident scrupulous, at times
painful, honesty.

So given a question about which none of the rest of us has
any solid information, just going by the degree of
credibility Vaj and Robin have established in their
participation on FFL, I'm strongly inclined to trust
Robin's account of Vaj's claim to have known him.

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