Can't resist. :-)

--- In, "authfriend" <jstein@...> wrote:

> > Awww, I don't know if it's permanent...for you
> > maybe...."reputation"? Really? I think he [Curtis]
> > just got angry.
> Sure, he got angry. But being angry doesn't give one
> license to be unethical. And this was one of the most
> unethical things I've ever seen anyone do on FFL.

Just in the interest of science, please rank what
Curtis did on your personal scale of "most unethical"
among these other contenders. Please explain for us
which of them ranks as "more unethical" than the
others, and why. We'll wait.

* Curtis suggesting that Judy might not be happy if
she knew what Robin really thought of her.

* Judy not just suggesting but stating many times that 
someone on FFL had made a "death threat" against her, 
knowing that to be a false claim.

* Raunchy dissing Sal and then, when the facts were
pointed out to her, doubling down rather than simply

* Ravi attempting to smear someone's reputation and
ability to make a living by making up stories about
him being a pervert and flooding Internet search
engines with them.

* Tom posting pornography to Fairfield Life and then
notifying the Yahoo administrators, in an attempt to
get the site taken down, because someone on it 
dissed him by calling him a racist, shortly after
several posts in which he *bragged* about being a

* Jim posting under at least four different aliases
on FFL, claiming vociferously that it wasn't him but
then stupidly posting material copyrighted to himself
under one or more of the aliases. All of this while
claiming to be enlightened.

Am I correct in feeling, Judy, that you consider what
Curtis did "more unethical" than any of these? Please
explain why you believe that.

*THAT* should get her to post out by Tuesday. :-)

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