In most of Europe, the cost of gas is above US$9 per gallon. And remember, we 
have subsidies for oil pricing that partially/fully offset the taxes levied at 
the pump.

Without oil subsidies, many alternate forms of power would be much closer to 
the point of economic break-even, or might already have passed that point.


--- In, wleed3 <WLeed3@...> wrote:
> higher taxes in europe,  however the enjoy the same depleation allowances as 
> do we here & in canada but taxed nore in canada indian res here sells cdn gas 
> 3 3.55 & off res its 3.89 & ont 4;54 usd
> In a message dated 05/26/12 19:27:06 Eastern Daylight Time, LEnglish5@... 
> writes:
> BTW, the cost of gasoline in the USA is heavily subsidized. The cost of gas 
> in Europe is 2-3x what it is in the USA. 
> OTOH, the cost of gasoline in Venezuela is about 1/10-1/20 what it is in the 
> USA. 
> Just a factoid that may or may not have anything to do with anything. 
> L 
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