--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj <vajradhatu@...> wrote:
> On Jul 18, 2012, at 5:36 PM, cardemaister wrote:
> > > How 'bout "Lawson's Transcendental Meditation"? Outward Stroke 
> > > Meditation? ;-)
> > 
> > Perhaps I misunderstand what you're trying to say, but
> > that sounds as stupid as claiming that if you're not
> > all the time during the night in deep sleep, you're not
> > sleeping!?
> Lawson believes that being caught in thoughts - even for hours 
> (days?) at a time, lost in the outward stroke is still 
> considered "doing TM". He's rationalized that even quitting TM
> is in effect just being on the outward stroke, and eventually 
> picking it up again, is just the other half of this magical
> cycle that is The Miracle of starting TM. 
> Of course, in response to me saying "doing TM", Lawson would
> be automatically be required to respond "you can't "do" TM,
> the doing in TM is "not doing". He might even throw in the
> eff.. word.

Notice that Vaj does not respond to carde's point. Instead,
we get two more paragraphs of bafflegab.

> Nitya-samadhi, as mentioned in MMY's commentary on a third of
> the gita is what I refer to. Temporary samadhi becomes
> perpetual samadhi. It starts out as a small gap, and the more
> it's experienced, the more it spreads. So, therefore, more 
> transcendence is a good thing. More outward strokiness? Not
> berry gut.

It becomes more and more difficult to believe Vaj ever
actually learned and practiced TM.

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