On Jul 20, 2012, at 11:21 AM, iranitea wrote:

Doesn't what Ann says directly contradict Robby boy? His 'your not having met me' and her 'I know your history with Robin' and 'You never experienced the "Full Robin"' seems to indicate that she agrees he actually met Robin in person, (even though not the 'full Robin', lol)

I'm sad and happy to say, I have met the "full" Robin (unless Anne's referring to some mysterious weight gain I was unaware of).

And if he was around MIU campus at that time, doesn't this indicate that he most probably learned TM? Why would he have been at MIU otherwise, and have known about Robin?

So who is lying here?

Robin, as usual.

Just for the record, Robin was given the chance to find out exactly what my involvement was last year, but never even bothered. Suffice to say, after my latest recollection of him one night, oh so long ago in FF, he knows. He knew before. He's just game playing, which IMO is just another old RWC behavior.

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